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Hello every body, I have no idea what or who I'm gonna write for this:'D anyway I best get to writing this- Day Eight, Chestnuts

And today the Universe I am writing is, for the first time: Rainbow Quest

The characters I will be using: Sabre and Orange Steve

Today Sabre and Orange are going looking for chestnuts, as Sabre has learned that Orange has never tried them before and he really wants to get Orange to try them

It was morning and the Rainbow Hub was covered in a thin layer of snow, the air was crisp and cold, the sky still covered in dark grey clouds. Sabre and Orange were out in the forest of trees that surrounded the entirety of the Rainbow Hub, searching for a tree that would supply them with what they were looking for. Orange had a bucket where they were going to carry..what were they again..chestnuts? Yes that correct! Chestnuts! Sabre was up ahead keeping an eye out for the tree, or many trees even, of chestnuts. The excitement radiating off of the both of them was immense, more so than when Sabre was first shown the Rainbow Hub, and that was immense excitement then.

Orange nearly jumped however from the sudden sound of Sabre making a noise of excitement and dashing forward, making Orange have to run to keep up with him. Soon enough Sabre came to a stop abruptly, almost making Orange smack into him, thankfully he had managed to stop just before it could happen, "Man Sabre, I didn't know you could run that fast." "I found chestnut trees Orange!" Orange looked at the trees, "Woah! What are those green spike balls?" "The chestnuts are inside of them!"

Orange looked at him, mouth agape, "Really?! That's so cool!" He set the bucket down by one of the trees, proceeding to start picking the green spike balls off of the tree, Sabre joining in, and putting them in bucket, keeping it up until the bucket was completely full of them, "Great! Now let's take the bucket back to the house!" "Yay!" Orange picked the bucket back up, walking back the way they had come from, and when they got back they quickly went into the house, going to where they had a furnace, beginning to open up the pods that held the chestnuts, Sabre then got a tray ready, placing baking paper on it, and began scoring the chestnuts, soon setting the chestnuts out onto the tray. Soon the tray was full of chestnuts, and they hadn't even opened all of the green spike balls. Orange turned the furnace on and set it at 210°C, a recommended temperature, and the both then waited for it to heat up. While they waited, Sabre went and put the empty green spike balls into the bin, and Orange went and put the rest of them into a chest with the bucket.

After a little bit the furnace was ready, and when it was Orange put the chestnuts into the furnace and sat down, beginning to watch patiently. Sabre chuckled and left him to wait, perhaps a nap wouldn't hurt all that much.

A little while later Sabre woke abruptly to Orange shaking him excitedly, "Sabre! They're done!" Sabre got up and then followed Orange, seeing they had been taken out of the furnace. Sabre then covered them and set a 5 minute timer, waiting patiently with Orange, making sure to turn the furnace off of course. After that was done the two of them began to peel the chestnuts, excitedly chatting away as they did so. And soon they were done. They threw the peels of the chestnuts away, and then they both picked up a chestnut and took a bite, "Oh wow Sabre! This is really good!" Sabre grinned, "I know right!" They then had a couple more between the two of them before Sabre stopped them, "Let's save some so we can make some nice treats with them!" Orange clapped his hands in excitement, "Good idea Sabre, but can I take one as a treat to Gerald?" Sabre chuckled and shook his head a bit, "Of course you can man, I think he would love it."

Orange grinned in excitement, picking one up and quickly rushing out the door and to Gerald's domain. Sabre gathered all of the chestnuts together and then put them in a chest, to keep them safe for when they would next use them. He then began to clean up some stuff, before ultimately deciding it was time for another nap.

Oh my gosh okay this one is done and I kinda struggled a little bit, but thankfully an idea came to me for it-

Anyway, chestnuts is done, I did consider coming back to it later but I was so excited to just write it- it is a slightly shorter one again but hey- any writing is progress-

Final word count of the day: 833 words

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