Chapter 2: defense of Douchebag Hill

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Mark: alright arseholes

As everyone just got done with the trench makin, they heard what sounded like marching in the distance



Mark: damn calm down, anyway, I need you to fly around with this guy and teach him to shoot da thing

PVT Clone Guy: hi

Pilot William: damnit, alright come here yeh little bastard, I'll show yeh how to use da gun

PVT Clone Guy: yesh sir

Williams pov

In head: damnit dat bastard is gon be the death of me

PVT Clone Guy: so how do ya use this weapon

Pilot William: it's already loaded, I managed to connect all da bullet belts together, so don't worry about reloadin, it just needs cocked, pull that there handle towards yeh

PVT Clone Guy: oh, thanks for teaching me

Pilot William: i didnt teach yeh shite, now aim dat there piece of art over there at those bottles

PVT Clone Guy: okay now what

Pilot William: now pull deh damn trigger yeh bastard

PVT Clone Guy: Otay

After a strong 6.6 seconds he managed to hit them.

PVT Clone Guy: so howd i do

Pilot William: not bad. Not bad at all, now get ready because we will be in the air soon

PVT Clone Guy: oke

Pilot William: OI MARCK!!!

Mark: eh

Pilot William: me and this Guy is ready!

Mark: good good good just splendid now. GET IN THE AIR!!!

Pilot William: roger dat fuck head

Pilot Mack: so whats we doin

Pilot William: me, you and this Guy is gonna fly around and shoot any bots that breathe

Pilot Mack: but bots dont...


And so they take to the air like an angry scottish/redneck Eagle. Mack has a story himself, not a long one but its there. But we wont touch on it now maybe another time.

Pilot Mack: See them droids clone?

PVT Clone Guy: yeah?

Pilot Mack: Good, now FIRE AT WILL!!!

PVT Clone Guy: as every droid says, "Roger Roger"

And in a second a string of bullets went flying, it was an amazing site to see, all those bullets just flying, hitting droids left and right, and then trench lines also firing. It gave it a more "Christmas" feel to it. Like all the Christmas lights lighting up after an hour or two takin to put em up on the house. Just beautiful.

Mark: Keep firing they will give up eventually.

Some Clone: but there droids, they don't feel any emotion or will to quit.

Mark: well after this they gon grow some emotions and a small pair of balls and run off with em in tow, this is a valuable learning experience for not just my guys. But for yours and those droids.

Some Clone: yeah maybe

Mark: maybe has never meant anything it WILL get through there metal heads and your heads the knowledge im giving, it'll make you win and them die.

Some Clone: whatever you say man

Mark: i think you and that guy we have "STEVEN" would get along just fine with your "negative waves"


US: wow what a wonderful weapon this is, oh look and its boiling at the tip, hahahaha OH SHITE!!!!!!! GUYS THE GUN FINNA MELT

Pilot Williams: pour water on that bitch!


And thus our story comes to a stop here. Why? Because literally after the water they shot like 221 more dorids

Droid casualty's: 479 droids
Droid INJ: 0

Clones casualty's: 5
Clones INJ: 16

Crews casualty's: 0
Crews INJ: 1

If i don't see yeh again
Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

8 soldiers, 2 pilots a Huey helicopter and clonesWhere stories live. Discover now