Exclude.exclude.exclude that's how I feel. Here, there, everywhere. School,church,friends,family,and anywhere. I try to fit in... So I don't feel excluded. People say rude things like blah blah blah tries to fit in... Sometimes there's a reason behind that. It's because I feel excluded. I don't feel like I fit in this world. I'm not bragging. I'm not boasting. And I'm not saying I'm unique. I'm saying u feel so excluded. like I don't belong or something.
That seems so sad and hopeless to me. people don't know that yet they continue to judge. Don't let other people punch you down. Get up and punch them back. They don't deserve to judge you. They deserve to back up and give you space. They deserve to not judge and to mind their own business.
I feel really bad for disabled kids. So many people make fun of them. It's not nice. They're not trying to fit it In. They are trying to include themselves in because they feel excluded. They get theor feelings hurt by the most simplest yet meanest statement. It's not nice to bulky others. It's true don't bulky it really does effect others lives. Like what other people say to me it effects my life. It makes me think about my insecurties and my imperfections. I stand up and fight back though. SO SHOULD YOU!!
Its not okay to get your feelings hurt. It's not okay. EXCLUDED.
All Alone
Randoma story of girl talking about the tragedies of her life between her friends and her parents.