T for truama

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You did a slow turn much like how you would do in a horror movie when the killer is behind you. Expect all the killers are infront of you. Behind you though is what you thought your one way ticket to saftey, but are now reconsidering. Edith.


"So you two are together!" She says her words flying right into your face smacking you.

"No we arent Edith" you say furrowing your brows.

"You just called him babe?" She questions with a tilt of her head.

"No no we arent-"

"(Y/n) dear are you ready to go" Hannibal says entering the mess that is your life.

"So if you aren't dating him are you dating him" she points at Hannibal and once again you shake your head.

She furrowed her brows. Wait now that she was here you could convince her to not take the job. Or maybe... you don't know just...ugh. The money...all that money...is it worth it...yeah the amount of money it kind of is.

"Then who are you dating Billy?"

You shake your head once again "Actually I need to talk to you about something"

She seemed to mistake your bashfulness for something else as she gasps pointing to Carrie who was awkwardly standing by your side "Are you dating her"

"No" you say tiredly rubbing your forehead.

"Then who are you dating?!" Edith says just as confused as you are.

"Exactly my question dearie" Martha chuckles.

You just rapidly blink before grabbing Ediths shoulder "That job are you going to go to the interview"

"Yes I really need the money for college (Y/n)" she says looking down.

"....Yeah so do I" you nttered but rubbed your forehead.

"Why dont we both interview" she says with a pep in her voice.

"What?" You say taken aback.

"Extra hands is what they need it would be better if they hired the both of us you could take care of the kid and i could clean" she smiles brightly.

"I...i...what" you were so lost as she shook your shoulders.

"I dont have a ride and you have a car so we could ride there together yeah okay" she says with a smile.

"Wait I didnt-" she left mid sentence as you trailed off "say yes..."

"Well that was impolite of her" Hannibal says putting a hand on your shoulder steering you away from Billy who you were still wary of.

"I agree" Carrie says softly looking at you hoping she didnt offend you.

"Yeah, didn't she leave you alone at the party" Stu says folding his arms over his chest but Billy quickly gives him a hard smack in the head rolling his eyes.

"Ow" Stu complains slightky.

You were going to avoid that all together when Carrie softly questioned "You were there"

"Uhm...yeah just for a second though" Stu akwardly laughs scratching the back of his head.

"Righttt" you say before giving Carrie her supplies.

'Here you go see you round?" You question eith a soft smile.

"Yeah I'll see you around (y/n)" and with that she drifts out of the door.

Bloody tears of a final girl (Slashers x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now