New to the Land of Earth

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On my 1900th birthday I decided to go and check out this earth and see if anything had happened in the last 100 years.
As I approach the earth my stomach churns as I remember the Star Wars those short 100 years ago, scared of what people are going to think of me when they see that I am the last of my kind, or even notice me at all.

I land on the north side of Italy with a lush forest surrounding me and turn on my translator, I hear people near by and go to check it out.
Before I reveal myself I check if there is any threat nearby and scan the area with my sight there is nothing I can't handle a shot gun hand crafted by the looks of it and a pocket knife on the a table on the east side of the camp. I remove the hoodie from my head and step out of the brush walking towards were all the humans were gathered.

"Hello" I begin to say when cut off by one of the humans cubs  piercing stares. I stood in shock as the pack starred at me, my body refuses to move just starring at the humans in fear, my body forces me to turn around, as I run i hear there voices mumbling. As I fly off I pull my hoodie over my head again disappointed with myself for not trying harder, you are a god to them for heavens sake why can't you be strong like father!

As I  make my way to Texas where I think I'll have more luck in the place where all these large glowing spheres lighting the howl city surrounding ever corner, I think about my recent accountance with humans. I peer down as I am flying above holding my staff in my right hand, seeing the creatures like ants. I land next to what they call a bar smelling horrible with smashed glass outside, I open the door entering with thousands of eyes pericing my skin. Do all humans look down on people like me, what do they have? Why do they think they are so strong, there nothing but a planet of weaklings selfish and do things for there own good! My planet never did such a thing, we always shared and did the work evenly, not complaining about how it was unfair... We lived in peace.

A tear runs down my cheek, I wipe it of with the cuff of my jumper and make my way into the stench of a place. " what'll if be kid? " as my body from lack of rest slouches down on the bench with only and old wooden seat keeping me up, my head turns upwards looking at the bar tender. He was staring at me like I was some weirdo of a guy not replying to his offer, " one shot of your best moonshine " I say as my body falls to the comfort of the counter, studying this earth for those short 100 years made me learn some things, it's said that people drink this stuff when they are sad, don't know what to do or just plane addicted to the stuff. The sound of the glass skidding against the wood blesses me as I catch it in my left hand as my face is turned down to the table top, " thank you " I said " it's on me " he replied

My hand shakes as I feel like I want to cry, I bring the glass to my mouth and drink the liquid strait up. I cough as the strength of the substance bursting in my mouth, " you right there mate " the bar tender pats me on the back collecting some glasses on the way back to the bar.

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