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word count: 601

this one is supposedly tae but honestly whoever you want it to be, as i said these are like writing practice without the hassel of creating characters. have a good read:)


You were listening to some old favourites when you heard keys jingling, he was home.

"Hey. got us some snacks" he walked in with a grocery bag in one hand and the other behind his back, "and well, this, i know you like them"

He had in his hand a beautiful bouquet of baby's breaths, your favourites. It was a bittersweet moment knowing this was probably one of the last times you'd see them, at least for a while.

Things between you had started to crumble between him losing his best friend and your dad dying. you've been together for so long that things that happen to one of you affected the other. you've both been through so much that it started to take a toll on your relationship, it had become impossible to be away from all the bad things that happened when you were with the person you felt most safe with. You loved each other so much that it became a burden. You both needed some space to heal.

Your mom and sister needed support so it was quite the opportunity, you'd move back there and spend time with family. Spend time on your own and build a support system that didn't necessarily include him. But this meant goodbye and it was your last week together for a while.

Both of you didn't know if this would be an actual goodbye or just a "see you later". So you planned little dates to cherish each other all you can while you can. Tonight was his turn to plan.

You put away your headphones and stood up to give him a hug. Because of the situation you were constantly in a sentimental mood and didn't want to let go, so you just stayed close as much as you could. Holding pinkies, touching your knees while sitting, the small casual skinship moments. As much as you can so the feeling of closeness could linger a little longer.

"boop" You snapped out when he put the bouquet in your face and tickled your nose, "you good?"

You nodded, not entirely sure but didn't want to make tonight about your mood and all. Things did have to be talked about but now wasn't it.

"yeah, what do you have for us tonight?" you asked, taking the flowers from him but not making eye contact. The smell of the flowers got you smiling slightly. " and I love these by the way, thanks."

"Just a regular movie night, we still have ones we said we'd watch together" he explained while heading to the kitchen to get some plates. There was an understanding silence after that. A part of you wanted to put fifty more movies on the list just so you wouldn't have to part. But well the situation was.. what it was. It would be okay, you thought as you placed the flowers in a vase. It had to be okay, you had talked about this. You wouldn't be going no contact, but still it was so scary, and necessary as well.

About ten minutes later everything was set; pjs, a variety of snacks, big pillows and heavy blankets, and your cat Blue sitting in the middle of them. You grabbed the remote and settled next to him on the couch timidly. Your state didn't go unnoticed and he smiled, you still went shy on him and it was so precious. "Hey, you have a crush on me or something?" he poked your shoulder.

You giggled and looked at him up and down, "Yeah can't help it"

He opened his arms wide "C'mere"

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