collaboration of hearts - myg

6 0 0

word count: 1034

this one's cute asf  #fluff


You were fiddling with the sugar packets when you heard the cafe's door chime the third time since you sat. Anddd, it wasn't him. Well, you were the one who came early because of how excited you were. And that feeling didn't make waiting easier either.

The man you were waiting for was a shy looking producer that you met on the train on your way here. He came from South Korea too and the feeling of familiarity on the first time you were travelling abroad was what prompted your conversation.

The combination of your jobs made an interesting topic too. You were a writer travelling to get out of your writing block. So he suggested you meet after you settled in your hotels and see if you could perhaps create something together. It was funny when you learned you stayed at the same hotel. This meant you could just do that in the hotel lounge but he insisted you meet at a fancy-ish cafe and said it'd be his treat.

Was it a date? Heck if you knew, you've never really been asked out before. And that was what kept you up at night and got you to the cafe half an hour earlier. It wasn't the greatest decision you made, of course, you weren't good at talking— nevermind talking in french and the waitress rightfully kept coming to ask if you wanted to order yet.

With the fourth chime you saw him. It was not for the first time but it felt like it. It seemed that the night-long inquiry of romantic intentions made you view this man differently. He was actually quite attractive, maybe not a traditional kind but still attractive. The way he carried himself made him more so.

You would be staring more but he was looking around for you, so you got up and held a hand up in front of you.

He smiled when his eyes found you and started walking towards your table. He had nice eyes, his glasses fit him well too. "Hi, nice view we have here."

"Yeah I picked it because of that. And hi to you too." you replied and you both sat down.

"By any chance do you know french? I have no clue how we'll order anything." you inquired.

"Just the basics? I've only come here once before for uh... business. Yes, business." he said the latter a bit awkwardly but you didn't put much thought into it. "Have you been waiting long by the way? Sorry I was a bit late"

"No no it's alright, and you call five minutes late? don't worry really." you assured him. Didn't tell you were way too early though. You again took one of the sugar packs in your hand to distract yourself. "You said you came here before, do you have any suggestions?"

"Would you laugh if I said I just had an iced americano?" He said leaning closer to the table. You were surprised but from as much as you got to know him from the train ride, this seemed like him so you laughed.

"I guess you would laugh." he smiled and exhaled. "So, okay, well I heard this place's crème caramel is great, if that helps. I wanna try some too, that last visit I had no time."

"Sure, I'd want one too. And if there's something similar to a caramel latte maybe? If not a normal latte."

"Alright then" You watched as he called over the waitress and showed numbers with his fingers as he showed the things you both wanted from the menu. He didn't forget to say please in French either. 'Damn his accent is hot-' the thought just popped into your head. 'Nope no, like yeah he looked super cool being able to have that much confidence and communication skills in a foreign country but let's not get over ourselves now.'

You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts and reached into your bag as the waitress left. Good timing I guess? "So uh, I brought my laptop to show some of the stuff I wrote."

You two passionately talked work and art for about an hour, chatting away while having your coffee and desserts. You learned he was interested in writing himself and maybe publishing the things he wrote too. You explained how the process was, with countless drafts and then the long search for a suitable publisher and if you successfully go through those, the promotions, and then you still don't really know if people would like it. He couldn't tell but he already had a company who could publish it and a ready audience. Though you were right, he didn't know if they would like it, actually like it. Like it for itself and not his name.

And you. You already sang, quite beautifully. You had him listen to some recordings while hiding yourself behind the menu, it was adorable. You wrote wonderful poetry and wondered if they could be turned into songs. Or perhaps if you could learn how to write songs. You made plans to meet at his studio back in South Korea to make it happen. This meant you'd meet again. But in what terms, you didn't know.

Just when you went wondering he spoke, "I know I haven't made myself super clear about it but, if you want it too, could we call this our first date? I haven't really met someone like you and really enjoyed talking and spending time with you and would like to get to know you more, if you want of course. Though if you don't it's fine we can still work together and be friends." He was being selfish, getting you into this without telling who he was. It was a complete miracle you didn't know already and that really was what made the difference. Like his writing, he always worried people liked him for his name and not for who he was. He really wanted this chance.

When you processed the words that came out of his mouth you didn't think much, couldn't really. Your heartbeat said all that you needed and you smiled. "Yes, I would like that"

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