1. The Entrance

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"Do you really have to go now?" Mr. Coulson sighed.

"Yes. I can't wait any longer. I've did just as he said and I've nothing to do here anymore."

"Perhaps I can let him know about your arrival?"

"Don't. Theres no need for that Mr. Coulson. This is meant to be a surprise. "

"But I'm not sure if he will be pleased." He said.

"I'm sure."

I walked into the airport with much confidence. I've waited the last six years patiently, did well in university hoping to get back to Cali as soon as possible. But uncle's fear never allowed that to happen. This time, going unannounced, I'm sure he is going to be taken aback.

"This way Eliza." Mr. Coulson walked ahead of me with the luggages. "I would've preferred to take you in the jet as it's much safer. I'm going to get a earful just for allowing you to travel in airlines. "

"Its alright." I smirked. "Not my problem to deal with Mr. Coulson."

He scoffed. Soon we boarded the plane and sat on our seats. Mr. Coulson, being himself, gave a scowl to the passengers near me scanning for anyone suspicious.

"Nothing will happen here. You can stop scaring everyone off." I said.

"We never know what might happen." He continued to look around.

"Even if something happens I can take care of myself Mr. Coulson. I learnt from the best right?"

"I'm the best at protecting my clients not sure about fight Eliza." He said sarcastically.

I smiled as I remembered all those times when he taught me to box, that devilish look in his eyes whenever he threw a punch as if he was enjoying it.

"Remember the time I made your eye black and blue after you said I suck at boxing?"

"That was one time when you caught me off guard." He cleared his throat.

"Even though I got the privilege to do that only once, I sometimes think of doing it again occasionally when we discuss about certain topics." I glared at him.

"You'll never get a chance again." His irritation was clearly heard in his tone.

After we landed, Mr. Coulson found our pickup car and I got inside. "How do you feel?" We will be there in a few minutes. He said.

"Can't wait to hear what those old men have to say about me this time. So excited."

Mr. Coulson nodded. The rest of the ride was silent. I looked outside the black windows, the same streets in which I used to walk with my friends before 6 years, the memories came flashing down and I smiled a little. And before I knew it, we were in front of the headquarters. I got out and let out a deep exhale, while looking at the entrance. "Here we go."

As I walked past the lobby with Mr. Coulson beside me , I felt several gazes upon me and whispers. Some people even visibly opened their mouth in shock. I smiled at them calmly and got in the elevator.

Mr. Coulson pressed number 8 on the button, the floor in which the conference room is in. I checked my attire in the elevator mirror, an all black suit which I changed into at the airport after landing. "Is this good for a new CEO?" I asked Mr. Coulson.

"Better than good Eliza." He replied with a thumbs up.

The elevator reached 8th floor and the doors opened. I found my way to the conference room and stood before the door.

Okay. This is it. Just be patient and calm Eliz.

I knocked at the door and opened it, to find the same old faces again. Everyone looked shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground. At the chairman seat I saw my uncle, John Edwards.

"Eliza? What are you doing here?" As what I expected, he didnt look pleased with my arrival.

"Want the honest answer? I came back. Permanently." I stated.

"Oh uh...Ms. Eliza it's good to see you again." Mr. Andrew's said hesitantly.

"Yes although your arrival is unexpected and unnecessary." Mr. Walter added on.

"Mr. Andrew it's good to see you too and Mr. Walter, I see you haven't changed yet. As sour as the last time we spoke." I smiled.

"Well what are you here for? A kid like you got no business here." Mr. Edwin questioned.

Exactly the same three people wow. They dont change at all.

"What makes you think I have no business to do in my father's company? Especially when I'm supposed to be the heir as mentioned in the will? Or were you not present the day my father's will was read Mr. Edwin?" I glared.

He coughed and looked away.

Of course. Got nothing to say now. Just all bark and no bite. Pathetic people.

"Welcome Ms. Clemonte."
"Just forget what they said. They are always like that."
"We are pleased to have you here Ms. Clemonte."
"We are so glad to see you again."

I was welcomed by the other directors who seemed genuine. Uncle,whose face looked worried a second ago, had the biggest smile as I walked and stood towards him.

"Welcome Eliza. I must've called you back before I realize it now." He said.

"Its alright uncle. Now that I'm back let's just get it over with."

"Okay everyone. As it was already decided, Eliza will take over the company as the CEO. If there are any objections, please put them forward."

"How can she someone so young take care of our company without much experience? I'm against this decision." Mr. Edwin said.

"Me too." Andrew furiously stood up from his seat."She was already immature the last time we spoke. We cant let the fate of our company stay in a kids hand." Mr. Andrew's added.

"For the record, the last time we spoke I was 18 years old. Not even a kid then and certainly not now at 24 years old Mr. Andrew." I snapped back as he sat back on his place again. "Mr. Edwin, you're right. I dont have much experience. But I trust you all to help me with managing the company. All I seek for is your guidance and full support to help me run this company effectively."

"I can understand what you're saying Ms. Clemonte. But we can't let someone as inexperienced as you become the CEO without knowing your capability." Another director said.

"I'm not just saying to give me a chance. I'm implying that I'll prove my worth and eligibility to this position." I said firmly.

All of them went quiet. The room was filled with discussion and silent whispers before one director finally spoke up.

"Okay. Let Ms. Clemonte prove to us how she can run a company. If she makes any blunder mistakes, she will loose her rights to the position. Can we all agree on this?"

I heard the chorus of agreed and immediately realized I won the surface trust of most of the directors.
There were a few directors who disagreed, but those were all people who had ulterior motives. Like Mr. Andrew who is only trying to sabotage my chance so that his son can be the CEO. So their decisions doesnt matter.

"Then from tomorrow, Ms. Eliza Clemonte will start as the CEO of Clemonte groups." My uncle announced. The room was filled with enthusiastic claps.

"Thank you everyone for this opportunity. I will not let you down and live upto your expectations of my duty." I smiled and looked at them as each person congratulated me.

As for the first step, I've successfully become the CEO of my dad's company which is exactly what I wanted.

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