Chapter: 0 Prologue: alt ending

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*Dolly shrinks back, her eye's widen as the doors snap open, lightning illuminates the room reveling a pencil thin human with a sinister smile as thunder cracks the tall humanoid simply says* "boo" *Dylan and the parents scream in terror making pups scream in terror as well, the father barks* "evacuate! EVACUATE!" *the pups make a run for it heading to a door connected to the kitchen while the creature enters the room*

*with De'vilish smile the creature kneels down finding Dallas frozen in fear, her eye's widen as the humanoid yells* "Cruella!" *Almost giving the pup a heart attack as she bolts out with the rest of her siblings, the De'vil finds Destiny and Déjà Vu hiding under a dresser, laughing maniacally, the pups bolt into a play tunnel as the humanoid reaches in with her long skinny arm, barely escaping her grasp as the nails scrape against the tunnel like claws just as lightning crackles*

*Dolly growls at the humanoid as it looks over at the pup, the De'vilish woman leans towards Dolly forcing her to back up losing confidence as the creature reaches over* "ooh, what fur!" *The De'vil says with pleasure, as Delilah back up Dolly giving her confidence once more as the two grow at the De'vilish creature* "ooh whyy hhello mu-" *before she could finish her sentence Doug lunges at her pinning her to the ground with his massive weight*

"Go, now!" *Delilah demands, confused Dolly asks* "what? why?" *Delilah barks back* "don't argue" *listening to her step-mother Dolly heads to the kitchen as the humanoid creature cackles, with unnatural strength the De'vil pries Doug off slamming him into the closest wall as Delilah rushes at the inhuman creature, De'vil turns her head to see Delilah and steps out of the way just as Delilah lunges at her, the De'vil grabs onto the scruff of the dogs neck and shoulders just as Delilah was jumping pass her getting thrown against the wall before hitting the ground close to the kitchen door*

*lightning cracks as De'vil walks out into the hallway, thunder booms as the De'vil picks up her purse, Dolly and Dylan look up and see the De'vil standing in the hallway as lightning strikes again lighting up her De'vilish smile as a storm brews outside letting lose rain, lightening erupts again as the De'vil steps closer to the pups* "we're doomed!" *Dante exclaims just before Dylan pushes him into the hole their eye's wide as De'vil steps closer*

*Delilah jumps in front of the pups baring her teeth and growling at the De'vil woman, giving Dylan enough time to grab Dawkins and put him in the hole just as Doug gets up feeling sore all over as he steps into the hallway growling and baring his teeth cornering the De'vil in the hallway, Dolly barks and growls at the woman, Delilah turns to her step-daughter and barks* "just go, now!" *Dylan jumps down into the hole then grabs Dolly by the tail pulling her into the hole, De'vil taking her opportunity turns to Doug and sprays him in the face with her acidic spray damaging his eye's before hitting him over the head with her purse*

*Delilah turns to meet De'vil as she begins to swing her purse again, Delilah dodges the swinging as De'vil laughs and cackles, Delilah manages to bit down on the purse and pulls, the moment she feels Cruella pull back as she cackles Delilah lets go sending the De'vil back tripping over Doug, Hunter hears his great-aunt fall he rushes in with net gun in hand just as Delilah sprint's toward the De'vil, Hunter fires his net gun entangling Delilah, forcing her to trip and tumbles forward slamming against Doug*

"Good work Hunter you make an excellent De'vil" *Cruella complimenting him as she gets up* "thanks auntie!" *Hunter excitingly says* "be a good dear and go get the muzzles will you" *Cruella says as she grabs her purse* "yes great anutie!" *Hunter runs out of the house to grab the muzzles, Cruella towers over Delilah and smiles from ear to ear before letting out a laugh as lightning cracks once more just as she brings her purse down onto Delilah skull*

De'vil wears puppies: Dolly's Alt EndingWhere stories live. Discover now