|:| Chapter four |:|

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" = for speech
' = for muttering or whispering
[ ] = for thought
Italic = for narrating

y/n: " Ehhh. It's alright, got over it pretty quickly. My parents were jerks. "

Uzi: " Something we can relate with! "

y/n: " I guess so... "

You'd both walk over to the door, and Uzi pulls out a card that suddenly opens it, revealing some drones inside.

You'd both walk over to the door, and Uzi pulls out a card that suddenly opens it, revealing some drones inside

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WDF (1): " Welcome back, Uzi! And, drone... "

y/n: " y/n. You can call me y/n. "

WDF (1): " Well then, welcome to the colony, y/n! "

WDF (3): " It isn't everyday you see a new drone. "

You'd both walk into the airlock sort of design, and closed the main door.

WDF (2): " Where'd you even find y/n, Uzi...? "

Uzi: " Uhm- He was just wondering around while I was examining the outside gate. I though I could bring him inside, since ya' know... " she'd say, nervously

y/n: [ Obvious lie. How are the others falling for this...? Is lying not integrated into their system...? ]

WDF (4): " Uzi, you should probably head over to your Dad. He's waiting for ya'. "

Uzi: she'd sigh, " Of course he is... " she'd look annoyed at that

 " she'd look annoyed at that

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She'd turn towards you.

Uzi: " I'll show you around the colony another time... Whatever my Dad wants, it's probably gonna take a while... "

y/n: " I understand. " Uzi then walks off.

y/n: " Right... What now...? " you'd turn to the WDF members

WDF (3): " No clue, do whatever you like except for murder, we got a game to catch... " he'd say, placing a card down

You'd walk through the second door, as it shut behind you. You'd examine the structure of the colony as you realize that it's probably one of, if not, the most secure colony on Copper-9 at this time. You'd explore the colony all around, noticing the sheer size of it.

|:| Basically y/n in murder drones. |:|Where stories live. Discover now