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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 "She's a fairytale

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"She's a fairytale."


In life we are always faced with obstacles, though it is said that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, it can still be difficult escaping the darkness. Even more when they think you are said darkness.

Thousands and thousands of years ago something unexpected happened, one of the biggest and most unexpected surprises for civilisation. A powerful witch saw a darkness approaching them, she didn't understand what it was and she didn't know how to figure it out, all she knew was that it was a darkness like nothing before.

Many covens came together, bringing their strongest witch and united all of their magic to help find out what could have possibly caused so much fear in their fellow friend.

No one had expected to find what they did.

A monster like no other, one that violated all the laws of nature. It was not just a witch, but species that hadn't come to exist yet. Werewolf and vampire. To the covens it was absurd to even imagine something like that could happen but they saw it and once they did, there was no denying that could be made.

The time this monster came to exist was the time they would all meet their end. They had seen it, it would cause mayhem on all of them. Not just witches, but the soon to exist werewolves, the vampires that also hadn't come to their existence, and every single supernatural out there that came to exist and let's not forget the non-supernatural, the humans.

The witches had seen everyone's end. They had seen their deaths.

This wasn't a typical abomination like they had dealt with before, this was what would bring the chaos into earth before ending all life in the planet.

So they spread the word, for those thousands of years everyone began to find out about what would eventually happen. It became the nightmare the would one day exist to the witches, it became a legend to the werewolves and vampires, and it became nothing more than a scary bed time story for the humans. A myth.

Different names in different cultures but the same story, a scary monster that would cause chaos before becoming their end. Whatever or whomever it was, they would end everything they had ever known.

It would be the end of the world.

They all knew that day would come eventually but they hoped to end it before it happened. It was destiny they were trying avoid, but the question was, could they?

She would exist, it was just a matter of time.

Could they really avoid destiny by killing it before it killed them?


Author's note -
This was previously in the story haunted but since they're both now one (this one) it's here and just to clarify, this is a little piece to show the start but there will be many flashbacks to come and things to be revealed so enjoy!
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𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 | TVDWhere stories live. Discover now