Lately I've become more afraid of the dark
Afraid I'll feel you there in the darkest corners
Reaching out for my neck
Your malice all consuming
I cannot turn to face you as guilt floods through my heart
I locked you away in depths untold
Neglected you and your boundless love
I left you
Broke you
Corrupted your love
I'm afraid to face what I've done to you
I know you could never forgive me
As I've even forgotten your beautiful face
I am afraid of you
Afraid of what I've done
But now I will face you
I will clean your wounds
I will fix your hair and wash your face
I will show you boundless love once more
All to atone for what I've done
Once more we will be one
I'm sorry for what I've done
You deserved so much more
And one day I hope you'll forgive me for what I've done
I hope you'll smile
I hope you'll love again free and unbound
I hope you'll leave me behind and once more choose joy
However, for now I will simply atone