CHAPTER 6; overdoing it

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"So, what am I supposed to do at the track while you're in your meetings exactly?" You ask Max from the bathroom as you put the finishing touches on your hair and makeup.

"Walk around check things out, maybe get some work done." Max says from the other room. "It'll only be for a few hours, then we have a gym session with Daniel."

"Are we coming back here before going or should I pack my gym stuff?"

"Pack your gym stuff. We'll leave it in the car." Max says.

You head out of the bathroom, throwing your gym stuff into a bag and setting it by the front door next to Max's. "Okay, I think that's everything then."

"Just missing one thing," Max says handing you a lanyard with a pass attached to the end. "You'll need that to get through security. Wear it around the paddock so you can get into the hospitality building and garage."

"Are you serious?" You ask Max looking at the VIP pass with the Red Bull logo, your name, picture, and guest of Max Verstappen written underneath.

"About what?" Max asks confused.

"I just thought I was going to be watching from the grandstands not track side that's all." You say smiling. Max just laughs grabbing your bags.

"Oh man, Cass is going to be so jealous when she finds out." You say grabbing your purse as you head out the door with Max. The two of you make your way downstairs and meet Bradley in the lobby ready to go. It's a short drive to the track that Max and Bradley spend talking about the upcoming race while you look out that window at the scenery thinking about Dimitri. The car slows to a stop, parking in a spot with Max's name on it. Max jumps out and opens your door for you, and you smile stepping out. You put your pass over your head and walk with Max and Bradley over to the entrance. You scan your pass smiling at the security guards as you walk through the turn style. The three of you walk down the paddock and into the Red Bull hospitality area where they show you around the building before Max has to go for his meetings. You set yourself up at one of the coffee shops to get some work done.

Some time later you hear your phone ding and look down to check it.

Charlotte: I'm just going to grab some lunch at the Paddock Club, want to join?

Max did say the track was safe. 

You reply: Absolutely! I'm just inside Red Bull hospitality, I'll head out soon!

You gather up your things, and head outside texting Max along the way – Going to lunch with Charlotte at the Paddock Club, let me know when you're done.

You look down the paddock not knowing which way to go when you spot Charlotte heading out of the Ferrari hospitality building a few doors down.

"Charlotte! Hey!" You say waving walking towards her.

"Ari hey!" She says giving you a quick hug.

"Sorry I would have met you there, but I don't know exactly where I'm going just yet." You say walking next to her.

"Oh no problem at all. I remember my first race; it can get very intimidating." She says sympathetically. "But don't worry, I'll show you around."

"Is every race paddock set up the same?" You ask.

"Not exactly, but the general outline is the same." Charlotte says as she continues to explain the layout of the track and paddock.

"So, I can go anywhere with this pass?" You ask holding up the pass around your neck.

"Almost, you can go anywhere in the paddock, and paddock club, and anywhere in the Red Bull area, just not the other teams. They don't want people sharing details that kind of thing." Charlotte says as you head up a set of stairs.

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