I'm a witch?

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Nellie, I've always loved you and it's ok if  you don't feel the same but I'll always love you no matter what...

Penelope opened her eyes from the same dream she's been having for a while, a mysterious voice tells her he loves her but she can't tell who it is.  "Penelope?" A voice said.  "Yeah?" She asked turning to her door.  "It's time for breakfast, ma got pan dulce." Matteo said. Matteo was born just a 2 years before her and was the most tolerable out of her 5 brothers he was funny, caring he can be annoying but that's just brothers.

"Good morning princesa how'd you sleep?" Penelope's dad asked.  "Ok I guess." She responded. "You better start resting more No queremos que nuestra pequeña genio falle, ¿verdad?" Her dad laughed.  "Sí tu eres muy inteligente mamita." Her mom agreed.  They always told her to rest and eat a lot because they believe it's one of the main keys to wisdom.

"Papi are we still goin' to town to watch the game?" Her oldest brother Gabriel asked. "Yeah we don't wanna break our tradition do we." He dad responded.  There dad always takes them to a Latino pub every to watch football all the time, her brothers all sit on chairs but Penelope sits on her dad's lap to watch the games.  Being 10, the youngest, the only girl and the smartest has its perks.

A few hours pass and the game is going to start in an hour which means it's time to get ready for Penelope. Because of her family having little money she gets nothing but hand me downs from cousins and her mom because her mom said a smart young lady should dress ladylike.  "Hey dork." Gabriel said knocking over a pile of books she had.  "Gabriel get out of my room." Penelope groaned grabbing an overall dress to wear.  "Come an' get yer book dork." He teased running out with it.  "MAMII PAPII!!" Penelope cried chasing after him.  "GABRIEL GIVE IT BACK ITS MINE!!" She yelled trying not to trip over the mess.  "GABRIEL DALE A TU HERMANA SU LIBRO AHORA!!" Their mom yelled running out.

"YEAH GIVE YOUR LITTLE SISTER HER BOOK!!" Their dad cried.  "COME AND GET IT NERD!!" He teased running out.  "STOP IT!" Penelope cried chasing him out the door.  "MA AND PA'S LIVES MIGHT REVOLVE 'ROUND YOU SELFISH ARSEHOLE BUT MINES DON'T!!" Gabriel yelled running down the street.  Luckily, Penelope had something that'll make him give it back. "WAAHAAHAAI!!" She cried in tears.  "Shut up you'll get me in bigger trouble." Gabriel said.  "Yer almost 11 and yer still crying when I take yer stuff?" He asked but their parents and a few neighbors walked over to see why she was crying.

Luckily she got her book back and she got back to getting ready.  Penelope gets her own room because her parents believe she needs a quiet space to study and because she's "becoming a lady." she needs her own lady space.

When they arrived to the pub the owner was overjoyed to see them. He was a close family friend so he allowed the underage kids in as long as they don't drink anything alcoholic. "Holaa how are me favorite kiddos doing? Penelope still being a genius I assume." The owner laughed. "Saved ya a spot and yer drinks are ready, beer for Marcos, non alcoholic Pina colada for Gabriel, fruit punch for Johnathan, Strawberry lemonade for Carlos, regular lemonade for Jeremy, orange juice for Matteo and last but definitely not least, cherry juice for little Penny." He said passing the drinks to them all.

"Come on lady and gentlemen let's sit." Their dad said sitting down. Penelope sat down on her dad's lap sipping her juice ready for the game to start while everyone else was either drunk and yelling or drunk and waiting the game to start, it was a typical day.

The next day at school Penelope was doing her usual talking with her friends when a large group of older kids came and in front was Gabriel.   "Say you lot, have you ever been to a birthday party for children and one of the children won't stop bragging cause she's just a little attention stealer and an attention attracter." He said pointing to Penelope.  "And when she's grows up to be a doctor or lawyer she'll be rewarded for never maturing and for never understanding or learning that everyday can't be about 'er BECAUSE PENELOPE YOU HAVE 5 OTHER FUCKIN BROTHERS THERE'S OTHER PEOPLE YOU SELFISH ARSEHOLE ALL YOU DO IS STEAL MA AND PA'S ATTENTION YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SELFISH SPOILED BITCH!!" He yelled going off.

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