Ice Scraping.

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The orange Ōarai Panzer continued its escapade on the ice.

Carm watched carefully.

The red-painted barrel tip of their T29 could give them away.

The calliope Saunders had, decimated their (very capable) IS-3.

It would be a tactical blunder to lose a second heavy to the rocket-tank.

Just then....


Smoke trailed up from the horizon.

"Calliope eliminated sir!" William said through the mic.

Carm was usually hailed as "sir" from the members of BAGR platoon.

So they were talking to him.

"Excellent work Bulldog team.

See if you can't stay on the treeline, and take some shots at those Shermans on the ice." Carm said.

"Roger that!" William said before signing off.

Now for the hard part.

This ice should've formed sometime in November hopefully,

Carm didn't know how thick it was,

Could it hold his T29?

The T29E3 that he was commanding was the heaviest variant, weighing in at 64.4 tons.

Those Shermans weighed some ~30 tons.

Each Sherman had less than half the weight of a T29....

Would the ice be able to support him?

"Take us forward, SLOWWW." Carm said, extending the last part of the word.

The T29 inched along at 3 miles per hour,

Before ever so slowly making it onto the frozen lake.

The ice cracked slightly, made some noises,

But it held!

Carm looked up,

The Panzer IV got hit and some it's side Shurtzen came off ,

They had to get out there and fast!

"Gunnit Dan!" Carm said.

"Yessarge!" He said.



The T29 gunned it as ordered, but the metal tracks slipped,

Leaving horrible scratchmarks.

The T29 only inched faster,

The 64 ton tank reached ten miles an hour, and then soon enough twenty, and then twenty five and then thirty.

"How fast are we going!" Carm yelled.

The snow was blinding as the cold wind scalded his face, prompting him to put on facial coverings.

"About thirty commander!"


The T29's top speed was 22mph, and they were doing 30.

Soon enough they were barreling straight into the fight.


Mako snapped the Panzer IV into a drift,

The ice was extremely slippery under the metal tank treads.

Miho deathgripped the cupola to stay upright and not fall off her seat.

Saori was getting queasy, she had her headphones off and was covering her stomach.

Yukari was enjoying the ride a little too much.

Hana kept the turret pointed backwards.

And then.....

"What is that?!" Miho said

"Ah! It's King Cobra-dono!" Yukari said looking out of her loader's hatch.

Seemingly all too carefree about the situation.

She must've known they were coming.

The familiar shape of the American boy's tank grew bigger as it got nearer.

And it wasn't stopping!

Carm was waving his hands like a madman.

"Takebe-San, please put on your headphones." Miho said.

"Y-yes Miporin!" She said.

She put them on.

"GETOUTOFTHEWAYNOW!!!" The radio screamed into her ears.

"TURN!" Saori yelled,

The Panzer snapped to the right,

The T29 missed the Panzer IV by inches,

Miho, barely used her nigh-superhuman reflexes to dodge getting decapitated by the rangefinders petruding off the turret. 

The Shurtzen on the other side of the Panzer was ripped off,

It shot by like an express train.


Alisa and two other Shermans eased behind the German tank,

Helmet-Chan (as she was nicknamed for always wearing her helmet) loaded another round into the breech.

"HAHA! I have you now!!" She said


The Panzer IV swerved,

The T29 revealed itself in front of the three Shermans,


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