Kunimi x Kawata gn sibling reader part 1

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Disclaimer: This is a Haikyuu and Tokyo Revengers crossover! Hope you don't mind, this popped in my head! Anyways, here is my attempt. Also, I will be using They/Them pronouns, but you can change them in your mind as you read!

Background: You are the Kawata twin's (Smiley and Angry) twin sibling. Smiley and Angry did something to almost get them expelled from all schools in Tokyo (A/n- Damn, what are Smiley and Angry getting up to?!), but being the kind sibling you are, you took the blame and are not allowed to attend any schools in Tokyo. You were able to get some sort of scholarship where the school will pay for your living situation if you did a little extra work for the school. You are known as the sleepy and youngest variation of the Kawata triplets and most people nicknamed you 'sleepy' so you match with your twin brothers. Unlike them, you are not identical to them nor are you as athletic as them (A/N- Unless you want to be. This is your (Y/N) after all). You are not a part of Toman, but you are well known and are friends with most of the members. You decided to take the blame because you knew your brothers would be heartbroken if they had to leave their gang.

(A/N- sorry for the long background, but now that it's done, INTO THE STORY!!)

"Ok, ok, I'm up!!" You yelled at your alarm clock as you sat up in your bed stretching your body after your clock RudElY woke you up! You rub your eyes, trying to make the sleepiness go away, and look at the clock.

"Only 7:30 am?! It's the weekend!! I should be sleeping right now!! Why did I set up an alarm? Especially this early?!" You mumbled to yourself as you are still tired and don't want to wake up. "Maybe I'll just go back to sleep." You mumble as you start laying back down, but before you could lay down fully and go back to the sweet, blissful world of dreams....

"GOOOOOOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEAD!!! IT'S TIME FOR US TO MOVE YOUR STUFF TO YOUR APARTMENT!!!!" You're brother Nahoya (AKA Smiley) yelled with his usual grin as he entered your room with Souya (AKA Angry) following not too far behind with his usual angry face.

"Oh...... I forgot that was today..... Yawn..... Can we just do that tomorrow?" You said as you sat back up to speak to your brothers.

"Nope! If we do it today, you can sleep as much you want tomorrow! It would be stupid if we do it tomorrow, because then we'd have to go to school more tired than we have to be!" Smiley explained, trying to help convince you to get out of bed, his smile never leaving his face.

"That's fair I guess sigh" you said begrudgingly.

"Plus, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish!" Angry added, and although he looked angry, you knew he meant it with kindness to try to make you feel better.

You lightly smile as you get out of bed and say, "Yeah, you guys are right. Thanks, I appreciate it. Also, thanks for helping me move my stuff!"

"Of course!....Plus, we're the reason you're in this mess...." Smiley says rubbing the back of his neck with guilt as Angry looks down, rubbing the back of his neck in guilt as well.

Seeing this you give them both a quick hug and a small smile.

"It's ok. I took the blame because I knew you didn't want to leave Toman. Just, don't go causing too much trouble while I'm gone, because I won't be able to take the blame for you again yawn." You said with the small smile still on your face.

"Awwww, what did we do to deserve a little sibling like you?! C'mon, group hug!!" Smiley says pulling both his younger siblings into a hug.

✨Le time skip✨

"Alright, guess you're all moved in to your new apartment..... Let's hope Miyagi treats you well!" Angry says with a small smile, but there was a hint of sadness and worry in his voice.

"I'm sure it will treat me just fine! yawn... So there's no need to worry! I'm sure I'll be fine!" You said, trying to reassure your brothers you'll be fine. They can be pretty overprotective of their youngest sibling.

"Well, we're going visit you during the weekend and call you throughout the week to stay updated on you, so be ready!" Smiley said in a half joking, half serious voice.

"Ok, well...yawn...you guys should probably get going before it gets too dark. I'll talk to you guys soon!" You say walking them out.

You all share one final hug before they leave to the train station to head home.
You were finally alone
"Oh shit, what am I going to do?!" You thought to yourself as it finally fully sunk in. You had to go to a new school, with no friends, no family, and you had to live alone.....

"Sigh This...... This is going to be rough..." You say to yourself. Now that you're alone, you find it as the perfect time to get back to the peaceful bliss of the dream world.

✨Le time skip✨

You were now in your new class in Aoba Johsai and introducing yourself.

"Today class, we have a new student. Kawata-san, please come in and introduce yourself and say a few facts about yourself." The "Totally not author-chan" sensei said to you as you let yourself into the classroom.

"Yawn Hello, my name is Kawata (Y/n), but you can call me "Sleepy". A few facts about me are I am from Shibuya, Tokyo, I am tired, and I don't wanna be here yawn." You say with a tired look on your face.

"Ooh, I like you! You are now my fav- cough- I mean, welcome to my mythology class! I hope you enjoy it here! We like to have fun in this class, so don't feel too stressed. Take any empty seat you want" The "Totally not author-chan" sensei said with a kind smile.

"Ok, thank you" you said and quickly went to the back seat, disregarding any of the other students or empty desks.

"I'll be able to sleep if I sit at the back" You thought as you sat at the empty desk, ignoring the stare of the brown haired student as he looked at you in confusion.

You quickly and silently put your head down before he could say a word to you.

Not too long later, you heard footsteps then a voice.

"Dude! Why is there a random person in my seat?! Why didn't you save it for me?!" A male voice you didn't recognize whisper yelled in a panicked and confused voice.

"I don't know. They just sat here and put their head down before I could say anything." You heard a second male voice come in, although this one was a lot calmer and relaxed.

"Should we wake them up?" The second male asked.

"Sigh No, that would be rude. I don't want to wake a random person up. I'll just sit somewhere else today. Talk to you later Kunimi." The first male spoke and you heard footsteps retreating.

"I think I'll just take a nap too." You heard the second male whisper to himself.

And soon, the both of you drifted off to sleep....

So this was my first try at a fanfic, first try at a one shot, and first try at a crossover. I hope it's ok, and I think I'm going to make a part 2. This was fun to make.

Any-whizzle, I have chores to do, so I hope you all have an amazing day/night 💕

I love y'all, and I'll try to make part two soon 😘💕


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