Chapter 1

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Where are we now?

There's something about the adrenaline; the lights, the sounds, and the general feeling of excitement in the air. I go into it completely hyped. Full of energy, and even though by the end I'm completely drained I get up day after day and do it again. It's something about the cheering and the relief when it's all over.

"Alright, one more push, and we're going to have a baby," the doctor peaked up from what he was looking at between the patient's legs and then he gave a glance to me. I don't know why he was looking at me, I'm just waiting for the baby to get here, and once he arrived the doctor placed him on his mother's chest. I laid the blanket I was holding over him. I moved around everyone else getting everything that I needed from mom and the baby.

Once everything was said I was done we all left the room, and I made my way into the break room where most of the nurses on the floor were sitting. "What'd you bring for lunch Magdalyn?" I looked up and Nora, my partner for today, was sitting there looking at me.

Nora was new and whenever a new purse starts on the floor, they always pair her with someone for training, and today she was with me. She took her lunch box from the ice box and sat down next to me. I work overnight, and most of the time I don't eat because I don't like to turn myself around. Even though I stay up all night and sleep all day, I eat on the same schedule as someone who does the opposite.

"I don't eat a meal until the morning," I said to her. "I eat before I come, and once I leave in the morning, I'll eat something before I go home."

"So you go that whole time and don't eat." she asked in amazement.

"Yeah," I said to her. I played my way through the rest of her questions util it was time for me to go home. She asked so many questions, and I know that it's just because she's new but honestly, I don't think she needed to ask if it was okay to go in her patient's room every single time she needed to go in there.

I was just happy to go home. I love my job btu when I must do things like play babysitter to a new nurse it gets to be too much. When I got in the car, I turned the key in the ignition and sat there for a minute. I've been doing that a lot lately just taking a second to decompress before I made my way home. One thing I like about working overnight is that when I'm on my way home, everyone else is on the way to work. So, I don't run into any traffic on my way to and from work. I always miss it.

I pulled up in front of my house and I could see Jam's car sitting outside. We worked at the same hospital but on opposite rotations. I worked 7 straight nights while she was off and then we switched. Me and jam have been living together our entire lives and now that we're grown, we are still living together. You'd think I would have gotten enough of her, but it works for us.

I opened the door and walked into the house to find jam running around in the kitchen like a chicken with her head cut off. "You okay up late, didn't you?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I might have," she replied.

"Where's nick?" I asked.

"i told him to get up like ten minutes ago," she said.

I rolled my eyes and moved over to the staircase. We aren't perfect, there are days when things don't go right but living like this goes off without a hiccup most days.

"Nick!" I called up the stairs. "Nicholas!"

When I got to the top of the stairs, he poked his head out of the bathroom and looked at me. "I'm ready mama," He walked over to me, and I fixed the collar on his uniform shirt. Jamira was supposed to have him ready to go and at the front door, but I knew when he wasn't standing at the front door that she must have overslept.

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