I Hate Mondays

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 Life for me has never been the best, unless if we count high school then in any case I can say that I have lived a pretty good life. I was the class president and pretty much made sure that most of my classmates had an eventful high school lifestyle to say the least. My life has never been the best in terms of money though, the only reason I say that is because my family and I have lived in in this shabby house for years after leaving the country side and inspiring to live in the city and finally become a little bit  stable after dad got promoted to his new position as maintenance supervisor for Lotta Cola in the Kyo City. Sadly dad passed away and mom was left to take care of us both. I have a half brother who wanted to be a big rockstar from my dad's side of the family along with a sister from my mom's side who got married and moved away abroad. Before you guys start to assume my life is great, news flash it's not at all. I mean those two egos will never help us even if it meant screwing some crazed loan shark just to save mom and I. Yes for the little pervs at home, I meant doing the nasty with loan shark. Anyways, I have been looking for jobs here and there in hopes that I can help mom cover the expenses of the house. I worked at a convenience store as a part time, but the owner was too much of a weirdo. I also did some time at a library thinking it would be the best place to work and work on my dream, but the manager was bitchy because she said and I quote, " A library is only to read famous literature not create crappy soap operas." I guess someone never found true love, but today out of all days I have to start my new job at Del Express. I can say without a doubt that I hate Mondays with a passion. The day after a fun and adventurous weekend is a god killer when it comes to reality checks. Makes me wish the weekend was longer instead of shorter, ugh this is so annoying. Man this place is huge, I can at least count over thirty electric vans at least in one row. I wonder how much money this place makes. To get an idea on how this job ever came about, I had the privilege of making friends with one Anita Suzuki. She and I became quick friends after I moved to the city, she was the only person my age in the neighbor that was a girl at least. Most of the boys there all looked like thugs or players which honestly never interested me, but they did protected us when we would go home late nights after some karaoke and drinks. She was my shoulder to lean after dad passed and have always been on my side since. I greeted Anita with a smile, and we chatted for while on the ins and outs of this job. 

" So pretty much we wait for our names to be called and then they hand us our portable device to scan the packages, the keys to the van and of course battery packs to keep the devices charged, " said Anita casually.

All in all it pretty much sounded like a piece of cake in the neck of things, plus it can be all that hard right? As I was lost in my thoughts, Anita tugged at my uniform shirts bring me back to Earth.

" Let's go Princess they're calling us," said Anita as she pulled me along with her.

As she said they have us pouch filled with all three items mentioned. Oh you thought I was going to drive the vehicle along today? Not a chance, I mean I haven't even learn the basics of the job yet. I can drive of course like any other, but I definitely no Anita. As we make our way to the van, Anita begins to prepares to show me the ropes of the job. We follow all the vans to the warehouse and pick up our packages to deliver for the day. It a pretty simple one - two - three type of process. follow the lane, load up and wait till everyone is good to go and then finally go to our designated routes. Since Anita is teaching me she is showing me the ropes through her designated route. Some people would tell me that the person at home is never the same when they are at work and I can admit they were right. Anita is always a shy and seclusive person unless if she isn't drunk of course, but to see her so outgoing with co workers and customers alike makes me think what else don't I know about the "real world." As the day went by we delivered packages in a breeze, took our lunch break and continue to trout on til the finish. I felt like my bones were gonna break and turn into dust I'm so glad it over.

" You're tired already? If you feel this exhausted with me on your side, imagine when you go at it alone tomorrow," said Anita chuckling.

Crap.... I have to this alone huh. Maybe I made a horrible mistake, it's not too late to quit right? NO NO NO, Anita vouched for you don't be a baby Shira you got this girl, right?

"Don't worry Shira you got this, you're one of the hardest working people I know," said Anita as she caressed my head.

After Anita calmed me, we had to the station and did the order backwards. We gave our bags to the warehouse employees, head to the station to park and charge our van and proceeded to hand in all items in the pouch back to our team leaders. As we walked out, Anita offered to buy dinner and of course I said yes. We headed to our favorite food spot in the city, K Love BBQ. We headed inside, sat down at our table and ate and drank like always do after a hard day of work. After we finished up at the spot we made way home to my doom.

"Drunk again you little punk?" Mom said angrily as I made my way over to give her my usual drunk hugs.

My hiccups didn't help much with my greeting as she fuzzed about. As much as she loves to complain, mom loves me through and through. As usual she told me to go shower and that she left my food on the dinner table. I said my usual thanks and headed towards the shower. God it feels so good to take hot shower, it feels like I'm healing all my wounds after a hard fought battle. As I finish my duties, I make way to the dinner table and eat my prepped meal. I know I ate BBQ, but come on I would be a true villain to most if I didn't eat the dinner my mom worked so hard to buy and cook. As I finished my meal I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and head to bed. Despite all the intense work, I oddly feel happy to go to work tomorrow, maybe it's because I have Anita by my side or maybe there's something more. I can't wait to start the day on my new route.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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