Chapter 16: Sonic Rainboom

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In an field, Rainbow Dash is giving Fluttershy a lesson.

Rainbow Dash: "Now, what have we learned?"

Fluttershy: "Lots of control."

Rainbow Dash: "Good."

Fluttershy: "Screaming and hollering."

Rainbow Dash: "Yes, and most importantly?"

Fluttershy: "Passion!"

Rainbow Dash: "Right! So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one." She tells Fluttershy who took a breath in.

Fluttershy: "Yay." She cheered in a very soft tone.

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh. You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder."

Fluttershy: "Yay." She cheered but still in the same soft tone.

Rainbow Dash: "Louder!" She yelled which made Fluttershy flinch.

Fluttershy: "Yay."

Rainbow Dash: "Louder!" She screamed which made Fluttershy take in a deep breath and then...

Fluttershy: "Yaaay." She cheered in her still soft tone.

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh..." She face-hoofed and fell backwards.

Fluttershy: "Too loud?"

Rainbow Dash: "Whatever." She said as she got up and flew up into the air. "I'm going to go start practicing my stunt and Fluttershy, you need to work on that cheer." She said and flew up to the clouds above.

Fluttershy: "Yay."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and bounced on the cloud. She began flying straight downwards but shot left before she hit the ground. She began manoeuvring through a line of trees accurately, passing like a rocket while a large gust of wind blew her mane.

Fluttershy: "Wooo." She cheered.

Rainbow Dash: "Phase two."

Rainbow Dash flew upwards and then headed towards a cloud. She began spinning it rapidly, actually causing the cloud to spin itself. She applied the same technique to a couple of more clouds.

Fluttershy: "Way to go." She spoke softly.

Rainbow Dash: "Here we go. Phase three. The sonic rainboom." She said as she shot upwards.

Rainbow Dash then did a few loops before flying straight towards Fluttershy. She was significantly gaining speed and she continued to dash downwards. Fluttershy could only gaze in suspense as Rainbow Dash was about to finish her performance. Tears formed in Rainbow Dash's eyes as she continues to attempt to break the sound barrier with her speed. She had almost made it but suddenly the sound barrier won and threw her the opposite direction. As Rainbow Dash screamed, Fluttershy placed a hoof on her mouth.

Fluttershy: "Oh dear."


While Rainbow Dash was practicing her stunts with Fluttershy practicing, you, Trixie and the rest of the Mane Six were helping Twilight clean up the library which was a mess thanks to Twilight who was studying non-stop for a week.

Twilight Sparkle: "Last one." She said as puts the last book away, making the library clean again. "Thank you so much for helping me clean up all these books, guys. It was a crazy week of studying."

P/N: "You should really take a break from studying, Twilight or you might miss out on everything else in life."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Trixie is surprised that you made a mess of the place. Trixie thought that a student of Princess Celestia would be clean and tidy and not some pig." She said which made Twilight glare at her.

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