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Giovanna/Gios pov

i was in the kitchen sitting thinking about what to eat. A sleepy Mateo trailed into the kitchen and groaned.

"can you make us cookies? i've been craving them all day but i cant make them myself. last time i tried, they caught on fire.." my idiotic brother rambled on.

"okay okay, ill make them, just stop talking before i shove this knife down your throat!" i glared at him, pointing the sharp metal object at him.

he put his hands up over his head. "sorryyy!" he said as i went to get the ingredients.

"jeez.." he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
"what did you say?" i asked as i turned on my heels, pointing the knife at him again. "n-nothing" he muttered. i nodded and turned back around, getting and mixing ingredients.

"i forgot to mention that Lor-" he started talking again
"shut the fuck up." i spat, cutting him off. he sighed, giving up, and left the room. i could hear people chatting and laughing in the living room but i ignored it.
i took the freshly baked cookies out of the heated oven. i turned the oven off and started putting all the soft, goo-ey cookies into a glass plate, one by one.

someones cold hands find their way to my waist. i jumped a little, in fear and quickly turned around. "Hey, doll." he said.

"What do you want, Lorenzo." i groaned. his lip tilted up a little forming an ugly smirk.

maybe its not that ugly... its kinda hot..

Lorenzo has been around a lot. he's one of my brothers best friends. he trains with them a ton.

"I just wanted to see what you were making, love. no need to get all feisty." he chuckled

i ignore his and his presence . i pick up the warm plate of cookies and push past him to the living room.

i could hear Lorenzo's footsteps trailing behind me as i walked to the living room.

as i entered the living room Mateo and Santiago jumped up "cookiess!" one said. "took you long enough." another said.

i rolled my eyes and set the cookies down. i sat down in the empty spot next to my oldest brother, Antonio.

"whats up, Gio" he smiled at me. "Nothing." i replied smiling back, leaning my head against his shoulder. my smile faded when Lorenzo sat next to me.

"fan behavior" i whispered to myself, knowing damn well Antonio heard because he chuckled.

i looked at my two brothers, who were devouring the cookies and i roll my eyes.
"their such idiots, i can't believe im related to them." Antonio sighed. i nodded my head, agreeing

"Giooo!!" i hear a familiar, deep voice call.

i look up to see Emiliano!! "Emm!!" i say running up to him and hugging him. he's my favorite brother if you couldn't tell. He's the only brother that matches my vibe.

" how come i never get greeted like that!?" a jealous Santiago spoke with a cookie in his hand.

"because your my least favorite brother, you dumbfuck." i responded, mostly joking.

"wowww, i didn't know it was like that, Giovanna." he said, rolling his eyes, in a joking way.


have a good dayy!

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