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i wake up to the sound of giggles. i pick up my head only to see lorenzos mom and my mom taking pictures of us. i look down to see lorenzos head snuggled in my boobs and his arms were around my waist.

"Lorenzo, get off of me you fat fuck. i cant breath." i say, dramatically gasping for air. 

he picks his head up and groans. "shut up im trying to sleep."

our moms laugh. "their definitely more peaceful when their asleep."

i close my eyes. wait.. holy shit am i still naked? i look down at my body but then see lorenzos shirt on me while he's wearing his. boxers. "you got a fat ass.." i say slapping it.

it jiggled a little but and i laugh.

he obviously forgot our moms were here and turned us over so now im on top of him. "never do than again." he says slapping my ass and grabbing it.

"i think we should leave. bye love birds. please dont get pregnant giovanna your only 21." my mom says. "also we could hear you guys really clearly yesterday night and Maximo seemed really angry. your father was also pretty disappointed but i made up an excuse for you guys." she says and my face gets red.

"thats great to know." i say sarcastically.

"oh and here" Alissa says, passing us a box of condoms before leaving

Lorenzo chuckles and i scrunch my nose.

i get off of Lorenzo and rub my eyes. i put the box of condoms on my side table and laugh slightly.

"those my come in handy later" i say, smirking.

Lorenzo raises his eyebrows. "or right now?" i roll my eyes and smile.

"Lorenzo, my brothers would probably hear us and kill you." i laugh slightly.

"yeah right." he rolls his eyes.

"come on, we have to shower." i say, grabbing two towels, one for me and one for Lorenzo and clothes that im going to change into after i shower.

"together?" he questions, smirking. i roll my eyes.


"hurry up Lorenzo!" i shout as hes putting on a pair of cargo jeans.

"okay, lady." he says, groaning. i shoot him a glare before grabbing my phone and putting it in my jeans pocket. i picked out wide leg jeans and a white crop top. Lorenzo was wearing black cargo jeans and a grey t shirt.

we both head downstairs and into the kitchen. my brothers glare at Lorenzo as we walk in. we both take a seat next to each other. Of course, Emiliano was sitting next to me.

"hey little sis." He says, kissing my forehead.

"hey Em." i say before loking st the rest of my brothers. they seem bothered..

"we couldn't find anything.. im sorry amor."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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