Chapter two: memories

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All rights reserved.

Copyright (C), 2013, Elaine Diab

I laid still for a few seconds, trying to somehow come to terms with the pain I was feeling. After a mere minute, I concluded, that the throbbing in my side had remotely ceased, if only for the time being. Either that, or my body had become accustomed to it.

Yet, despite the change, I was sadly aware of the incoming invasion of a very persistent visitor. A visitor, otherwise known as pain.

Pain would not completely vanish, for its' presence would undoubtedly, make itself known, at a later moment in time. A time, in which the bruising would begin to properly take its' course, and in turn, wreak havoc against my battered body and soul.

The bruising encountered had affected my body in the physical, and more visibly prominent aspect of the sense. However, overtime it had also begun to affect me on the inside.. where the bruising hurt the most.

I was not one accustomed to simply obeying, and keeping still, while others, including myself, were tortured into submission. It took me no time at all to realize.. that I had no choice. Upon first arrival, the guards wasted no time in letting us know just that.

We were told that if we had-by some miracle- managed to escape this place. That It would be of great consequence to the others who had remained, and to the person who had escaped it. With a mocking smile adorning his facial features, the head guard had announced, quite smugly, that we were in the middle of a completely barren, and isolated location. A location that was miles and miles away from any form of humanity.

At first, I didn't believe what the overly smug guard, had said. I refused to believe it. I held on to the hope, that somehow, he was claiming this ridiculous notion to intimidate us and cast away any future plans of escaping. That hope, had completely vanished when he had uncovered the blinds, and had left us to come to terms with the isolation that was threatening to suffocate us.

With growing horror and a sinking stomach, I had glanced at the place, and had come to realize, that it was mockingly inviting me to get lost in its' vast wilderness. From that day on, I had avoided the windows like a plague. Whatever was left of my hope had completely disintegrated into pieces, blowing away with the wind.

Coming back to reality, I shook my head at my constantly wandering brain, and sent the guard responsible one last heart-felt glare as I struggled to sit upright. Grumbling quite loudly in protest, a certain area in my body reminded me, that I needed to eat.. and soon.

Glancing downwards, I stared at the plate he had tossed on the ground, with speculation, and apparent disgust. With a calculating look and the tilt of my head, I attempted to figure out..just what we were being expected to happily consume, this time around?

Pursing my lips, I grasped the plate in between my trembling fingers, and leaned in closer to take an evaluating sniff, in further inspection. Inhaling the foreign object had a disastrous affect on my body. Grimacing, I immediately scrunched up my nose, and reeled away from the stench-filled odor in disgust. Violently wiping at my nose, I gave the plate a vehemence death stare for assaulting my senses, and willed it to disappear, and instead, turn into one of chef's deliciously crafted creations.

Alas, after a healthy amount of time spent angrily glaring at it.. I very sadly realized, that I couldn't frighten the repulsive thing into transforming itself. My hopes of preventing the inevitable from happening, was quite pathetic.

" You vile inconvenience to my existence! why have you not disappeared yet?!" I mentally questioned it in a snarl, all the while narrowing my eyes. With a heavy sigh, I concluded, that I had to handle the situation sooner or later, "Prefferably later" I mentally mumbled to myself.

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