Authors Note

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UPDATE 19.08.23

As Wattpadd is starting to take issue with incomplete stories and what i've done so far covers the first film i'm going to mark it complete for the moment. I will at some point come back and add the next episode but at least this ones not on a cliffhanger :-)

As ever thanks for reading x


I think every member of the Suicide Squad is a warning all by themselves but to be clear there will be violence, swearing, a complete lack of morals or ethics of any kind at times and some decidedly not safe for work Smut.

Starts with the inception of the suicide Squad and Midway city ala the first film from 2016 and will end with the most recent 2021 film. How much I put in between will very much depend on how much I can come up with by pilfering the comic book storylines which are largely ridiculous, lets be honest, but I think I can piece a few together. This will obviously spoil, slightly alter and potentially fix (in my opinion) a few issues with the films.

Inclusion of my character Suzanna Walker AKA Fade. She is a former colleague of Rick Flag, a childhood friend of Harley Quinn, a former member of the Joker's gang after his escape from Arkham and Harley's transformation and now a member of the Task Force X team. She will also be getting up close and very personal with our favourite Aussie, Captain Boomerang.


I own no rights to any of the DC characters only my original Character(s)

Below is a link to a favourite Captain Boomerang, if you like mine, you'll like this one. It is essentially finished, the author had promised one last chapter back in 2016 but it's not necessary as the story hasn't been left on a cliff hanger, thankfully. It is also rated mature.

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