Chapter 45: A Day Out With the Musicians, the Best Friends & Derpy

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You woke up in bed and saw you were being cuddled by the Dazzlings.

F/N: 'Look at them. The three of them are cute, beautiful and sexy.' You thought and the Dazzlings then wake up. "Morning girls."

The Dazzlings: "Morning F/N~"

F/N: "Did you all sleep well?"

Adagio Dazzle: "I did." She said and pecked you on the lips.

Sonata Dusk: "Me too." She said and pecked you on the lips as well.

Aria Blaze: "I haven't slept this well in ages." She said and pecked you on the lips.

F/N: "Come on, let's get out of bed and get some breakfast."

You and the Dazzlings got out of bed, went to the kitchen and made some breakfast with Sunset joining in as well and you all ate the breakfast you made.

Sunset Shimmer: "So what will you be doing today F/N?"

F/N: "I will be going to the mall to hang out with a few girls."

Sunset Shimmer: "Really? Which girls?"

F/N: "I'm going to be hanging out with Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon and Derpy."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay then, I guess the rest of us will be hanging out."

Aria Blaze: "I suppose I can hang out with Rainbow Dash, Indigo Zap and Trixie and show them my new guitar."

Adagio Dazzle: "Rarity, Sunny Flare and I have been working on designs for new outfits."

Sonata Dusk: "Me, Pinkie and Lemon Zest are planning to make some yummy desserts."

F/N: "Okay so you girls have fun. I'm going to get changed."

You went back to your room, got changed into your causal clothes, go into your car and drove off.

You arrived at the mall and walked around when you saw the fountain and that's where the girls you are going to hang out with are waiting.

Derpy: "Do you think he's going to show up?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "Of course he will."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "Yeah, F/N never let's anyone down."

Vinyl Scratch: "he did say he will come here."

Octavia Melody: "I hope so."

You then approached the girls.

F/N: "Hey girls, I'm here." You said to get their attention.

Vinyl Scratch: "Told ya he would come here."

Octavia Melody: "Yes I suppose so."

Lyra Heartstrings: "Hey F/N."

Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon): "How are you doing?"

F/N: "I'm doing alright. How are you girls doing?"

Derpy: "We're doing okay."

F/N: "So what do you girls want to do?"

Octavia Melody: "We've been thinking of spending some time here at the mall."

F/N: "We can do that."

Soon you and the girls went walking around the mall.

Lyra Heartstrings: "Say F/N, can I ask you something?"

F/N: "What is it?"

Lyra Heartstrings: "It's about your magic. I was wondering how you got it."

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