Chapter 16: A Dream Come True

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Warnings: alcohol, brief sexual content, mentions of alcohol, sexual content and death/dying

Word Count: 5666

"Dearly beloved."

Klaus stood below a beautifully decorated arch just outside the banquet hall, where the ceremony was taking place. There was already a red carpet rolled out to the arch and once everyone was in their places, (Y/N) had walked the beaming Sloane down the aisle to her fiance. It was such a magical moment. She now stood behind the bride and was holding her flowers with Viktor standing behind Luther as his best man.

"We're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? 'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen?"

The crowd along with the bride and groom erupted into "amens" and cheers and whistles in response.

"Luther," Klaus started once they all calmed down. "Do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?"

Luther lovingly smiled at her. "I do."

"Sloane," Klaus tearfully sighed. "Do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours?"

"Give or take a day." Five called out, getting lovingly shushed by Klaus. Sloane grinned at Luther, her tears hardly contained.

"I'm gonna try."

"Well, then... I'm sorry." Klaus wiped at his eyes for a second before throwing his hands up in the air. "I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la apocalypse!"

Sloane threw herself at Luther, pulling him into a loving kiss. Luther wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer as everyone cheered and clapped. (Y/N) grinned as she carefully clapped with the flowers in her hands, her heart unbelievably warm for them. Never in her life had she imagined her family like this, all together, for Luther's wedding. It was something they probably wouldn't have believed if told two timelines ago.

The party moved back indoors, where the newlyweds began their first dance as the rest watched them with so much love in their eyes. Klaus was the most enthusiastic out of all, moving to the music as he cheesed at them. Luther and Sloane looked at their family with sweet smiles before returning to their dance as the fog machines hissed out their white clouds. The colors from the party lights and the disco ball danced across the room, giving the room a soft, yet spirited look.

"This is officially worse than the apocalypse." Five muttered and looked around before his eyes landed on the spread of food and drinks. "Ah, there we are."

He began to walk away, but (Y/N) grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back to her, a sly smile on her face. She cocked her head to the dance floor, where Diego and Lila had already joined. "Come on, bub. This can be like our wedding dance." She whispered, and Five couldn't argue with that. So, after setting his drink down, he followed his love onto the floor. Even Klaus joined, dancing with himself to the beautiful music.

Five and (Y/N) felt like they were actually thirteen again as they danced. Their hands clasped while her other sat on his shoulder and his other wrapped securely around her waist. In this very moment, if the Kugelblitz had sucked them up and signalled the end of its reign of terror on the cosmos, Five wholeheartedly believed he would die a happy man. The place he found himself, with his family, with his wife in his arms, was a place he finally felt somewhat content in. It was most likely the best place he could be in right now, all things considered. He hoped (Y/N) felt the same.

"Do you wish our wedding was like this?" He quietly asked. (Y/N) lifted her head from his chest and softly smiled at him, the light dazzling in her eyes.

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