Chapter Eight: Tailing

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AN: Sorry guys midterms are coming up so I've been studying

"Lestrade," You yelled as you burst through the doors of Scotland Yard. "I need that information, immediately!"

Looking around the Yard's main office you couldn't find him, instead only being met with the sight of Anderson and a few of the officers playing around with paper airplanes.

"Anderson, where is he?" You snarled, angry at the man for not doing work since you were head of his department, even if it was slow there were cases open, ones that needed attention and not for his focus to be on paper airplanes.

"Office, boss," Anderson yelled back, not bothering to look over, failing to notice your foot aiming for his shin.

"Thank you, Philip," you told him, smiling as he yelped in pain, walking towards Lestrade's office. "You know you should really do your work, before, I don't know, your boss decides to reprimand you more."

Knocking you didn't hear anything, assuming that he just was listening to music, you opened the door, immediately regretting the decision.

"Oh my gods," you squeaked before slamming the door shut. "I didn't ever need to see that."

At that moment, Sherlock decided it would finally be a good time to enter the Yard, a few minutes behind because of a phone call to some contacts that might know about the case. Seeing you he instantly walked over, about to open the door to Lestrade's office. 

"Sherlock I'm warning you do not go in there," you gave the detective a stern glance telling him to back off.

Sherlock let out a short laugh, pushing past you and into the room, a silence falling over the area when he entered.

Muttering tiny curses you braced yourself, willing yourself to go back in there. Keeping your gaze on the floor as you gathered the detective, frozen in shock as he stared at his brother fumbling with his pants and Lestrade hastily putting his shirt back on.

Sherlock let out tiny sputters, unable to form full words, as you dragged him by his collar to the hall you both stood in before, Lestrade letting out a small 'thanks' as you did so.

"Now do you believe me?" You smugly asked the man, finally out of his shock and just staring at the door of the room.

Sherlock cleared his throat before turning to you, offering a hand to shake, which you gladly took up, "I believe I owe you an apology."

Sticking your head back in with your eyes closed you took a deep breath and yelled, "Stop shagging in the fucking office!"

Slamming the door you and Sherlock stood in awkward silence, both your minds too caught up on the sight to focus on the case. Mycroft exited the room after a few minutes, his face red from embarrassment as he refused to look you or Sherlock in the eye, or say anything.

Knocking again you heard a small come in and held the door open for Sherlock to enter first.

"Please," you begged Lestrade, "never do that in the office again."

"When's the wedding?" Sherlock mumbled, as you elbowed him in the ribs to shut him up.

"Lestrade, did you get us in?" Walking up to his desk, you stared down at him, making him shiver from your done-with-the-world look.

He nodded, handing you a folder of files, opening it up there seemed to be one for you and Sherlock.

Sherlock took his from your hand, scanning over it, "Aliases?"

Lestrade nodded, "Only you have a full name change, your first name is too recognizable. Y/N your last name has been changed for obvious reasons."

"Makes sense," you looked over the file, realizing you would have to play a high profiled business person, married to Sherlock.

"Married, seriously?" You scoffed, holding an instant distaste for the alias.

Sherlock snickered, "No one is ever going to believe that. You're too annoying to be put up with."

You gave him a look of disbelief, "Says the one that shoots our wall?"

"Alright you two," Lestrade interrupted, sighing knowing he couldn't say anything to bad due to the Mycroft incident, "stop bickering like toddlers and go get ready, the club opens at seven."

You snatched Sherlock's file out of his hand as you followed him out the office, jealousy forming in the pit of your stomach when you realized he just had to pretend to be a musician, way easier than whatever business you supposedly were involved in.

As you walked down the London street, Sherlock occupied with his file and coming up with a plan, you noticed a stranger in your peripheral, dressed in all dark colors, seemingly tailing the two of you, speaking into his phone as he watched your every move.


Nudging Sherlock you mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear, "Five o'clock."

The consulting detective instantly caught on, his eyes flicking to the side, catching sight of the man, before increasing his pace subtly.

You followed, the both of you turning the corner quickly, knowing a clothing shop was there. Sherlock held open the door as you slipped ahead, him following quickly behind, the two of you ducked down, walking forward slowly and carefully, making your way through the maze of clothing racks to the back of the store.

Looking behind you didn;t see the man trailing you, but that didnt mean he was gone. You turned the corner, walking down the hallway and going through the back exit, coming out onto yet another alleyway. Sherlock and you ran down it, not caring if the man wasn't behind you, coming out onto the London street, busy full of people, since it was a main shopping destination.

Sherlock took your hand, dragging you behind him, moving into the flow, going into a small cafe, that reminded you subtly of Speedy's, you each let out a breath as you paused for a moment, the man didn't come in so he must not have followed you.

"That was close," going up to the register you ordered a cup of coffee, needing the boost the caffeine gave you.

Sherlock agreed, refusing to order anything since he was on a case, "We should wait, let him go forward until he's out of the way."

You nodded, the woman at the counter calling your name and handing you your order, as Sherlock moved to grab a table at the corner of the shop, overlooking the window that showed the view of the street.

A few minutes passed in a comfortable silence, very normal between the two of you, before you finished your coffee, throwing it away as Sherlock exited the cafe, looking around and catching no sight of the man.

"He's getting to bold," you told Sherlock as you hailed a cab, not bothering to walk the rest of the way to Baker Street when your brother's men could still be out.

"Hopefully with this case it will end," Sherlock told you, not bothering to look up from his phone that he was texting John with.

Oh how wrong he was.

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