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A/n: my image this time. Don't steal!(I mean, it literally has my watermark so..)

I awoke to a bright light shining into the room. I glanced over at the window. The curtains were open enough so that the light was beaming directly onto my face. I rubbed my eyes and sat up as I yawned.

I could now see the room more clearly than I could last night. It was more beautiful than I initially thought. It was mostly filled with dark blues, but it had touches of gold and bronze. It was incredible.

I slid my legs out of the blankets and set my feet on the floor. It was ice cold and made me shiver. Against my better judgement, I stood up. I walked to the end of the bed and slid my shoes on.

I opened the door to the room after walking towards it. The handle was ice cold and so was the air that filled the hallway. I stepped out and closed the door behind me. I looked around. No one was here.

Taking a small breath out of nervousness, I began making my way back to the stairs. I wondered where Shiva was. After a bit I found my way to the balcony.

I walked along the railing towards the stairs. "Oh, it's the criminal." A voice said all of a sudden. It echoed through the room.

I looked down at the greeting hall, towards the voice. Icy silver eyes pierced through me as Vesper stared at me from below. I paused as I reached the top of the stairs. "Uh- um, I'm truly sorry, again. I really didn't mean to intrude," I replied, looking down in guilt. I clutched the fabric of my dress in my palms.

I heard a scoff, then receeding footsteps. I looked up and took a few steps down. "Wait!" I exclaimed. He turned back to me with a sharp glare, but his brows were furrowed. I bit my lip and I slowly took a few more steps down the stairs, sliding my hand along the rail. "I really... I really don't have anywhere else to go," I trailed off.

He put his hand on his hip and frowned. "So? How is that my problem?" I was shocked by his response and attitude. I'm sure my surprise was evident on my face because I saw a hint of a smirk on his lips. However, it was gone in a flash.

I stood on the bottom floor and opened my mouth to speak. "Vesper, what happened to hospitality?" A deep voice called out. A new figure entered the room and I made eye contact with a smirking Shiva. He slowly walked over to me. "Surely this young maiden can explain things and your feelings on the matter will change?" He hummed, glancing at the white haired man. His frown only deepened.


I heard Shiva set his utensils down on his plate. I looked up at him after finishing my food myself. Said male had suggested breakfast before anything else. I looked between him and Vesper before sighing.

I nervously put my hands in my lap. I wasn't prepared. "I-... l-last night we were traveling and looking for a small town or-or s-something. We were.." I swallowed. "We were ambushed by a clan of what I could only call bandits. They killed m-my family and my father forced me to run," I explained as my lips trembled, feeling a few tears slide down my face. It was like I was reliving what happened. I quickly wiped my eyes. "Sorry. I didn't come here for pity," I added.

Shiva smiled softly. "You have nowhere to go, Evangeline," he said. It felt more like a statement and less like a question. I bit my lip and slowly nodded in response. "Stay here, printesa. You're welcome as long as you like," he stated. My eyes lit up in gratitude.

Vesper let out a small growl. "Why?" He barked out at his brother. Shiva looked at him, keeping his warm smile. I suddenly felt bad. I didn't want to make them fight. They held eye contact for a moment and I opened my mouth to tell them I would find somewhere else to stay. However, Vesper laid back in his chair. "Fine," he relented.

I was surprised by his sudden acceptance. Shiva chuckled. "Well I suppose that room is now yours, printesa. Welcome home." He grinned widely. I smiled in appreciation.

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