Prologue - The Glitch

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You Died.
Do You Want To Continue?

[ Yes ]           [ No ]

In a fit of rage, the controller that was previously gripped tightly in your hands smashed against the pale wall of your apartment. Your other hand runs hastily through your messy hair—shaking slightly. No matter how many times you had tried to beat this stupid game— it was impossible. No matter what different strategy you thought up, nothing brought you closer to killing the final boss. A sigh escapes your somewhat chapped lips as you slip deeper into your chair. How could something presumably simple be so impossible? You take a glance at the time that was present at the edge of your computer screen.
3:36 am
It was already early morning and you had class later in the day. You have to go to sleep soon, but your eyes wander back to the black screen asking you if you want to continue. You knew better than to click yes and precede back into a fit of rage when you died again, so instead you took your questions about the boss to Google.
'How to beat END GAME final boss'
You type and hit enter—your eyes widen when it seems many have already asked the same question. As you read on, the answer was... anticlimactic.
'It's a glitch. The game is impossible to complete.'
'Just give up, it was free anyways.'
'Shouldn't have expected much from something free lol'
No matter which forum or search result you clicked on, they all seemed to say the same thing.

"All that for nothing...Hmm..." Wiping some sweat off your forehead you walk over to the spot where your controller had landed and pick it up. Your eyes scan over it checking for any scuffs or damages. Luckily, you couldn't see any external issues. Hopefully, once you connect it to the computer there won't be any internal issues either. After a little bit more time looking for any small scratches, you make your way back over to your computer.
Once you reach your computer you try to plug the cord to your controller back in. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to do anything. Your mind immediately starts racing. How could such an expensive item break so easily? Taking a minute to cool off your racing brain, you deduce that turning your computer off and trying the cord again would be your next best plan of action to see if the controller was really broken. The smooth power button of your computer makes a soft clicking sound as you press a finger against it. To your tired surprise, it does nothing. Your eyes widen slightly in confusion as you hit it another time, but, once again, nothing happens. and the screen that's asking you to continue or not still glows strong. This time you let out an audible grunt. This has never happened before to you as your computer always ran smoothly and had never had a single issue. Choosing to click the button a couple more times proves to be useless, so you reach down to unplug the whole system.

But it doesn't turn off.
How... how was this even possible..? Baffled and now extremely confused a childish idea pops into your head. 'I should click the screen.' So that you do. Lifting your hand from the side of your body, you reach a finger up to the screen. Squinting your eyes, you wonder if you should hit the yes or no on the continue screen. Even if the game was impossible, you feel the sudden urge not to give up despite your previous rage. With these thoughts in mind, you decide to press your pointer finger lightly on the yes.

And that was the last thing you could remember...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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