Darkness Is a Hungry Creature

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"I swear to god, I'm going to kill myself," You mumble to yourself frustratedly, glaring at the map bot sitting on the worktable ahead of you. Monty had smashed the poor thing in a fit of his unbridled rage. No one could figure out what set the large gator off so horribly, but it was becoming a huge issue. Staff couldn't even fix him when he needed maintenance without completely powering him off, which angered him even more, so he often glitched and broke down. Despite these issues, management refused to de-commission him, as he had a recent spike in popularity. Frequently witnessing these one-of-a-kind tantrums led you to be the repairman for Monty, regardless of the fact you'd never been trained to do so. Considering your schedule, like the better half of employed people, you developed a specific routine. You'd wake up in the mornings, Six A.M. You'd do your everyday work, walking around to keep an eye on the main attractions, from Ten until Two when you'd meet Sun for a half-hour lunch. Your coworkers often ridiculed you, claiming it was weird to spend your free time with an animatronic. They doubled down on this by claiming Sun was the weirdest one out of all the bots to be around. Of course, you disagreed. He'd been incredibly kind to you, telling you about his day with the kids and often offering you all kinds of sweets. Though, now that you think about it, you'd never met his lunar counterpart, Moon. Anyway, during these breaks is the kids' naptime, so you'd sit with Sun at a comically small table and enjoy whatever meal you'd prepared for that evening. After your much-needed refresher, you'd continue your laborious job until Ten P.M. when you got off. You'd be asleep no later than twelve-thirty, and even that was pushing it.

A loud clatter forces you back to reality, flying off your leather chair and whipping your head around fast enough to give you whiplash. Peering down, you find the culprit of the loud noise. A Phillips-head screwdriver that once sat in your hand to work on the bot sits on the floor, slightly rocking back and forth. Bringing your FazWatch™ closer to your face, you check the time. It reads 13:57, which brings a delighted smile to your face. Briskly grabbing your lunch from the breakroom fridge, which was truthfully not even a breakroom, you head up from the maintenance tunnels to the daycare. You knew Sun would have a fit if you were to arrive even ten minutes past Two, so you accelerate your pace to more of a power walk.

Sooner than later, you arrive at the daycare's entrance. Pushing the red doors open, the sound of rushing water from the fountain beside you fills your ears, along with enrapt children. The knowledge that the children enjoy their time with Sun gladdens you. To his credit, he never has upset a child on purpose, so they have no reason to possess any distaste for him. Passing under the shudder that leads to the entrance desk, including the kids' entrance and a waiting area for parents, you smile politely to the woman at the desk ahead of you, and she returns the expression warmly.

"Hello again! Heading in for your lunch like usual, huh?" She greets you, her tone is seemingly flippant.

"Of course, I always do," you chirp, brightening your cordial smile before continuing down the stairs to the grand wooden entrance doors. As you push them in, you promptly recognize Sun's frantic voice. Apparently, some kid knocked over a tower of building blocks, sending Sun into a frenzy. You grin at this, sauntering over to him. Grabbing one of the fallen pieces to help him clean up, he only jumps. As if he wasn't expecting you, which was odd, but you think nothing of it.

"Oh! Hello, I didn't see you there!" He exclaims brightly over the sound of still-screaming children, despite the fact they should be asleep. His ever-smiling faceplate beams at you, and his milky white eyes, despite not having pupils nor iris', are entirely trained solely on you as his orange rays spin around his head. He stands many feet higher than you. However, he bends at the knees and sways, bringing his height from nine feet to a steady six.

"Yup! Just got here for lunch," you hum, sitting at one of the children's craft tables, small enough for your knees to hit your chest, and begin to carefully unwrap your sandwich. You take a bite of the savory snack as Sun guides a wandering child back to her sleeping mat. He then looks over to you, smiling as he forever will be, but before he can make it to you to chat through your evanescent lunch break, the lights shut off completely, plunging you into unbroken darkness.

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