Her temptation

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*Sly's Mansion*
Well, I think I know them, Jewel said. I think my name is Lily.
What! He exclaimed.
No way, how could an innocent soul like yours know such people? He asked not ready to believe what she just said.
Exactly my point but that was how I was able to get away but wait! Did he just call her an innocent soul? Does he think of her that way? Hmm.
How? He asked.
First, I called their name, Razor, Eliminator and Shegz with the bad vibes. They were shocked and I called them their slogan, they were surprised and I made the offer, we agreed on a thousand dollars and they will not open their mouth and say anything about it, Jewel concluded.
Wow!  Intelligent, Sly complimented her.
What! Did he just call me intelligent. OMG, she thought as a light shade of pink appeared on her cheeks.
What! Did I just hailed her? Like I am not the type to hail someone but why was Jewel different, Sly thought.
They both jerked out of their thoughts after noticing the silence for too long.
Don't you think we should report them to the police, Sly asked.
No please, Jewel replied.
Why, he asked strictly.
Nothing, she replied acting all cute.
It's just for your safety Jewel, Sly said slowing falling for her temptation.
They might try coming after me, Jewel said making a cute puppy face.
Oh God! What is she doing to me?
Fine, Sly said unable to resist her temptation.
Thank you so much Sly, she said.
And once again, he liked the way his name rolled out of her mouth and he looked at her like he was in a trance.
Sly, she called but no response.
Sly, she called again and tapped him.
Yes, Yes, he replied coming out of his trance.
I said thank you, Jewel repeated.
Em, em yes, you are welcome.
Jewel, I'm worried, Sly said more seriously.
Why are you worried Sly? Jewel asked.
Because of you Jewel, Sly responded.
Me? Jewel asked again.
Yes, You. You aren't safe by my side, Sly said.
Jewel thought for a while and finally said;
I don't want to rely on anyone and I might not be lucky next time. I want to be able to defend myself, Jewel said.
You mean to say you want to learn martial art, Sly asked intelligently.
Yes, Jewel said shortly and added "I want you to be my teacher"
No, A sword should not be handled by a woman nor should a woman throw a fist because she is a delicate figure, Sly said worriedly.
I don't want to be a woman, Jewel said refusing to back down.
No Jewel, Sly said not wanting to fall for her temptation again.
A few woman out there have this ability and some even defeated men, I want to be among this few please, she said and gave him a peck shocking the whole life out of him.

💜 T.B.C.💜

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