la story 2: An Afternoon In The Library

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Tighnari sipped carefully at his tea as he read in the Mondstadt library. Gorou was back in Inazuma for the time being and Cyno was out with the Traveller, so Tighnari and Razor had been left to their own devices. Last Tighnari had seen, Razor had been pulled away by a bubbly little girl in a red dress and blond pigtails, and Tighnari had made his way to the library. Miss Minci - a former Akademiya student herself - had been happy to welcome him in and tell him which genre of book could be found where. Every once in a while there was the sound of a young girl, someone by the name of Musk given how much she muttered that she couldn't bring shame on the name, muttering under her breath in either the Teyvatian language or Hilichurlian. The other noises varied based on the visitor, though none stayed all too long unlike the Musk girl.

Tighnari was in a chair squared away from the rest of the library, enjoying the semi-silence. He did love his partners and the teens they took care of but sometimes it was nice to escape them. He swore that if he had to hear one more damn joke from Cyno he might have to attend the man's funeral. So instead of murdering his partner, an afternoon in the library was what he did.

The door opened again to the library and Tighnari's ear rotated slightly in response. He picked up the sound of Miss Minci speaking.

"Are you looking for Mr. Tighnari, I assume? You'll fight him downstairs and to the left towards the back."

Footsteps made their way down, following Miss Minci's directions. Tighnari prepared to close his book when Razor came into view. He carefully set it down on the table and looked towards Razor. The minute he did, Razor made a beeline for his lap, kneeling down and resting his head against Tighnari's thigh.

"Tired?" Tighnari asked. Razor nodded. "Want to go back to the inn?"

"It is okay here," Razor said.

"Alright then. Are you feeling okay?"

"Tired. Klee fun, but tiring."

"Klee's the girl you were with?"


"So you had fun?"


"That's good, then. If we're gonna stay here, would you like to change positions? That can't be comfortable for long."

Razor nodded and Tighnari rose from the chair, picking up his book again before settling on the floor with his back against the shelf. Razor crawled over, sitting between Tighnari and the other bookshelf and resting his head against the Fox's shoulder.

"Read outloud?" Razor asked.

Tighnari nodded, turning to the beginning of the book. He can just pick up where he left off earlier, it wasn't a big deal. He quietly read aloud, feeling the weight on his shoulder slowly get heavier. It wasn't long before Tighnari stopped reading, Razor fully asleep against him, and turned back to where he was previously, switching the bookmark to where he left off with Razor.

He nuzzled Razor's hair briefly, dusting off a bit of ash that has curiously ended up in the teen's hair. Careful not to disturb Razor, he pulled off his sash and draped it over him before returning to his book. He gently ran his fingers through the white curls, careful not to tug on any knots.

It was an hour later there was the sound of the door opening, Miss Minci speaking, and footsteps going in their direction.

Cyno found them in the library and thankfully kept his jokes to himself until they had gotten Razor to their inn. However it didn't last for long as once they had left Razor in the room, he cracked a joke and was rewarded with Tighnari bringing his book down on his head.

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