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Samira's POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing multiple times, I sighed and tried to move out of the arms that were holding me down. I finally shifted out of the pair of arms a little, not much but just enough to lean up onto my elbow and hold my phone in my hands.

Squinting my eyes whilst I turned my phone on, due to the brightness being so high it burnt my eyes which is never nice, even worse when it's 3 in the morning and you've literally just woken up.

I waited for about 30 seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness before looking at who messaged me. I saw that I had messages from 3 different people. One was my childhood bestfriend, Mike Wazowski, messaging me. The other two were from my bestfriends from childhood as well, Jessie Moonlight and Ash Moon.

I opened Mike's message first:

I opened Mike's message first:

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I smiled at our conversation, happy that he got into his dream school

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I smiled at our conversation, happy that he got into his dream school. I moved on to look at Ash's message:

 I moved on to look at Ash's message:

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I smiled more, happy she got in as well, then I moved onto Jessie's message:

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I smiled more, happy she got in as well, then I moved onto Jessie's message:

I smiled more, happy she got in as well, then I moved onto Jessie's message:

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At this point I was grinning like a mad man, I'm happy she got in two

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At this point I was grinning like a mad man, I'm happy she got in two. That means all 3 of my bestfriends from my childhood have gotten into their dream school and into the school I'm in, although I'll be a year above them I doubt it will change much.

I felt movement behind me and grumbling. I looked behind me to see Johnny Worthington, my boyfriend of 4 and a half years, looking straight back at me with sleeping eyes and a slight smile. I smiled and quickly turned my phone on silent before putting it back down on the side table next to Johnny's bed in his fraternity room. I led back down on my side facing him and put my head on his arm.

He hummed/grunted as he moved his arms around me to hold me tightly to him. I smiled and kissed his chest as from my position I couldn't kiss him or his face. He kissed my head gently and then closed his eyes again

"What were you doing on your phone?" He mumbled out sleepily after a minute or two of silence between us.

"Just checking some messages, I must have forgotten to put my phone on silent before we went to bed and it was going off which woke me up" I told him sleepily myself.

"Oh okay, who was messaging you?" He asked curiously.

"Just Mike, Ash and Jessie" I told him, half asleep already.

"Saying what?" He asked.

"Just saying how they've been accepted into MU and the Scare School" I turned in his arms so my back was against his bare chest instead and moved right back against him. He kept his right arm under my head but moved his left arm over my waist/hips and brought me even closer to him if that was possible. His hand was near my chest so I held his hand in mine.

"Oh nice, I'm sure they'll have fun here and do great" he said as he squeezed my hand gently.

"Yeah, anyways sorry I woke you up" I said.

"No it's okay no worries, wasn't your fault anyways" he told me.

"If you say so, anyways let's go back to sleep. Goodnight my Prince, I love you" I said to him as I was basically falling asleep again now.

"Okay. Good night my Princess, I love you two" I heard him say just before I fully drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Just getting a mini chapter done before all the chapters start. Just wanted to clarify that all the monsters in Monsters University and Monsters Inc are actual humanised. They have the body of a human but they have their monster features, example: Johnny still has his horns and underbite, mike still only has one eye, Sully has his polka dots, and Randall still has his three fronds on his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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