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Jaliyah POV
I woke up and Kay wasn't there

I limped to the bathroom and hissed from the sensation between my legs.

I looked in the mirror and saw nothing but hickeys all over me.

I started doing my routine,Shower,brush my teeth,get dressed and do my hair.

I got hungry so I went to the deli

It was June so it was hot as fuck outside

"Ayyye Jaliyah"op said and I smiled

"Lemme chop and fries"I said but barley cause my voice was fucking gone

Thank you flock

A couple minutes later my food was ready and I went back home.

I ate and started cleaning, I blasted music

5 days laterrrr

I haven't talked to flock and it's cool and shit

I got a text from b love saying come thru and I agreed,I got cute and spent the block

"YOOOOO LIL SIS"Dougie yelled and they all looked up

"Waddup"I said as I smiled and hugged them

I glanced at the car and saw Kay girl and looked around and didn't see him

Fuck him,I was hurt he fucked me like I was a little bop.It's cool tho

We was here all night,dougie had me cracking up and Kay flock girl got out the car out of nowhere,she hugged someone in a Nike tec and Pooh shiesty mask

He pulled it up and.....it was Kay,I scoffed

"Aight yall I'm out"I said and love rolled his eyes

"Why?"Love asked and I grabbed my phone and hugged the gang except for Kay and his little girl

"Aight lil flock be safe"set said and I laughed

"Fuck that nigga"I said and they all froze

"HUH"set loud ass said and I got in my Uber

Kay flock pov

"HUH"set yelled

I clenched my jaw and balled my fist up

I mean to ghost her,Aniyah broke my fucking phone and I couldn't call or text her.Aniyah had me all around without a phone for 5 days to 6 days

And Every time I tried to go to Jaliyah house Aniyah would always need something or me and gang together and I wanted to do a 1 on 1 conversation

She best friend and I know everything about her

I know she upset,cause I took her card and dipped out

I loved Aniyah but I also love Jaliyah

Jaliyah POV

I woke up to banging on my door

"What the hell"I said as I grabbed my pink glock under my bed and went to the door

I opened the door and flock came rushing in

"WHAT THE FUCK BRO"I screamed and he took his mask off

"Wassup"he said and he sounded fine asf

"What the fuck you want my nigga"my Brooklyn accent came out

"Yo chill out and I came to talk and apologize"he said while walking to my couch

"Ok....where's the fucking apologize Kevin Perez?"I said and he looked at me and he clenched his jaw and I rolled my eyes,he got up and grabbed my neck pushing me on the couch

"Yo stop fucking playing wit me"he said and I laughed

"Get the fuck off of me my nigga,fuck wrong wit you"I said and he nodded

"Sit and let me talk"he said as he sat down and I sat on another piece of the couch

"I'm sorry Jaliyah,I didn't ghost you Aniyah broke my phone and every time I tried to come over to yo crib she needed help for something or I was doing something with the gang or my lil sis"he said as he touched my thigh and I smacked it away

"You fucked me and dipped,you fucking hurt my damn feelings,I felt like I was a damn smooch and it was just something for the moment Kay like what the fuck"I said has a tear rolled down my face

He stared at me and pulled me on his lap

"I'm sorry baby"he said as he hugged me tightly

"I missed you,I really did"he said and I nodded

"I missed you more bro"I said and he kissed my forehead

"Ima order food and we can cuddle"he said and I smiled

"Wack ass cuddling"he said and I scoffed

"It's not wack you are"I said and he laughed

"Get the blankets ma"he said and I nodded

30 minutes later

We was munching on some food,I got wings and fries with a water

And he got some Alfredo and sprite

We was done with the food and we picked another movie "365 days"oh shit

We was In the middle of the movie and I started kissing on him and he started rubbing me all over my body and kissing my neck

Next thing you know he was kissing my stomach and boom

"MM KAY FUCKK"i screamed as I massaged his head

*Ring ring ring*

We ignored it at first,but it kept going

"Hold on baby"he said as he answered it and was rubbing on my clit

"Shittttt"I said and i forgot He was on the phone.I covered my mouth

"Wassup baby"he said and I immediately got annoyed

This bitch
I tried to get up but he stuck a 2 fingers up and started going faster and faster and faster
"Yeah I'm at my cousin crib right now so I can't......mmhm......baby what......yeah I be hom-nah what...aiight love you to"he said and I tried to be quiet but I couldn't

"Lemme hear you my heart"he said and I let out a scream

"Mmhm"he said as he sucked on my clit

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