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Ominous POV
📍White room.

"When I'm gone,when I'm goneee.your gonna miss me when I'm gone,your gonna miss me by my hair your gonna miss me every where oh your gonna miss me when I'm gone"Valerie sung as she played in Jaliyah hair.

"Ouch"Jaliyah said as she flinched

"Oops I'm sorry"Valerie Giggled then continued to do whatever she was doing to Jaliyah hair.

"Why are you in here Valerie!if you don't mind me asking"Jaliyah said as she missed with the thick clothing she had on since she's been in there for how ever long since she didn't remember.

"No your fine,I got abducted when I was a newborn.My parents never found me,so I've been bouncing to Forster homes.1st time I ran away,they abused me they tried to starve me to death I was only 6,The 2nd time,I was molested by my dad and my Forster care mom knew she just was to scared to say something because he beat the shit outta her,The 3rd time my Forster parents tried to kill me in my sleep,The 4th...."She paused and Jaliyah was shocked

Valerie was a good girl,seems like she was always smiling and laughing.She would have never knew ole girl was gone through so much and she was only 14.

"You don't have to talk about it"Jaliyah said but Valerie shook her head

"No it's fine sorry...The 4th time they trapped me into the basement for 3 years,the only thing I had was water and carrots that was molded.The police came one day for a notice complaint and they checked inside the house,my parents was acting weird when they was in the basement,the police department came and said it smelled like shit and saw me on the floor unconscious.I was boney to the point they thought I was dead already,I had bags under my eyes,my hair was dirty I was dirty I smelled like shit and how I felt then I was shit."Valerie said and Jaliyah turned around and hugged her

"Oh girl it's ok I'm a bad bitch now"Valerie said then started laughing and Jaliyah chuckled

"Girl your crazy"Jaliyah said

"Why are you in here"Valerie said as they turned face to face

"Well girl I really don't know"she said and Valerie sucked her teeth

"How you got in the hospital?"Valerie asked and Jaliyah felt sad over again

"Well, I got jumped in my apartment,I had to go to the hospital,the doctor told me I was pregnant and lost the baby,I didn't know I was pregnant.The man I was gonna have a child with didn't believe me,I begged him so much the doctors and security had to come and detach me from him and next thing you know I'm fighting them off me to get to him,I'm calling him to help me and he kept walking.They stuck a needle up me and now I'm here"Jaliyah said and Valerie gasped

"I'm so sorry about your baby"Valerie said and Jaliyah nodded

"It's fine"Jaliyah replied

"Anybody else knows you were going to the hospital"Valerie said with a concerned face.

"No not that I know of"Jaliyah said but was still thinking about it

"How's your relationship with your parents"Valerie said and Jaliyah froze

"My mom me and her didn't have the best relationship due to her working a lot "Jaliyah said and Valerie tilted her head

"Hm"she said


"You think she might have signed you up for the white room"Valerie said

"No of course not"Jaliyah said while chuckling

"And why's that"Valerie asked and Jaliyah chuckled

"Because........."Jaliyah said but stopped

Her and her mom didn't have the best relationship.Her mom was always working and never paying attention to her so Jaliyah had to raise her self.

She was the only child from her mom but had multiple siblings on her dad side.

"She could have came to the hospital seen me unconscious and wanted to know what was wrong and probably signed the wrong papers"Jaliyah said but Valerie shook her head

"The White room people watches people come in and out that hospital door,They dress In doctor uniforms or suits.They watch people body language like if there tired.Your mom was probably coming from work,she was tired,probably filling the papers for your birth significant or something personal for you,One of the white room people was there dressed in nurse attire or doctor.slid in some paperwork to put you in here and she ain't even know.She didn't read it she probably thought it was the same thing or similar to the other papers and signed it.They probably told her visiting hours was over cause you was unconscious due to some medicine. And boom"Valerie said and Jaliyah was shook

They both had goosebumps going down there arms looking at each other with big and scary eyes

"I'm scared"Jaliyah said as he climbed in the corner next to Valerie

"Me to"Valerie replied

Can someone save me Jaliyah thought.

Hey y'all

How y'all liking the boookkkk

Should I update more often

Anyways happy holidays

And byeeee

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