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Just as I throw my hat I clutch my baby bump since I have been having contractions since the start of the ceremony, well a bit before, without telling Anthony. I even made Sarah stay quiet about it, but by accident with my Luna tone which she had to obey now that she is part of the pack. "Babe are you okay?" Anthony asks. I so wanted to be sarcastic, but I only nodded yes. He eyed me suspiciously. "I can't bite my tongue anymore." Sarah says. I glared at her. "Oh baby girl let's get you to the hospital." My mom says. Anthony's eyes widen and he growls picking me up and rushes me to the car. Well at least I got to go to the ceremony and fully graduated. Anthony takes off speeding when Sarah was in the car. "Did you know Sarah?" Anthony growls using his Alpha voice. Sarah nods and hold my hand. "You are going...." Anthony growls before I stopped him. "Anthony stop I made her stay quiet since I was not anywhere near fully dilated." After I yelled I felt another contraction making me squeeze her hand and scream. Okay so it was a bad idea to not immediately go to the doctor after my water broke. Soon Anthony stops and gets me out having Sarah park while he brings me in. Not long later I am in the room and the pack doctor walks in. He pulls Anthony away to talk while Sarah is now in here helping to keep me calm from the pain. After another contraction I hear Anthony growl angerly before coming in here. "It's too late for the meds now." The doctor says looking at me while a vivid angry Alpha is passing back and forth trying not to loose control. Okay it was a very bad idea and I am only a bit over halfway dilated. After giving birth I was on strict observation since I was close to.... I am not going to say it since it would mean total destruction.

It has been a week and the only thing I have been allowed to do is feed and hold my baby boy.

Yup I given birth to a healthy baby boy.

Anthony has been angry with me, but as soon as our baby boy lets his presence known Anthony smiles happily. Sarah has been taking pictures of us and our family that has visited.

Yup even her actually parents knows about mates, supernatural beings, etc. since we included them in on some of the information.

As expected our baby boy has his Aunt Sarah wrapped around his fingers. Even has his uncle Jake wrapped around his fingers. So much that Jake has been wanting, more like begging, Sarah to start their own little family. Sarah of course says no each time even brought my baby boy into it. Which made Anthony and I to put a stop to that, but our son seemed not to mind. In fact it seemed he enjoyed it and being the center of everyone's world. Especially when Alpha John has visited almost everyday with a new present.

Okay I can't really blame him since this is his first grandchild.

Oh and we named him Trevor Luis Alexander Lewis. We wanted to name him after our parents, but it really did not fit well. So we took the first letter of his and his dad's wolf's name then the first letter of my dad's first name and my mom's middle name. And to top it of his mom's middle name to honor her.

Right now Anthony is changing our son with Sarah taking pictures of the mess that is happening. My dad walks in and laughs then claps his hand on Anthony's shoulder.

"Just wait until you have a girl is much more messy." My dad says.

Oh yeah and my mom gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He is so cute, but I know when he gets older he will have my dad's features. Hopefully he does not become a player or he will have me to answer too. Anthony has been protective of our son so my baby brother has not been allowed to be on here wit us. I can not blame him since I almost died for good and our baby boy is his world.

So no his demeanor of rabies grizzly protective daddy Alpha has not changed.

After a while everyone leaves and Anthony sets our pup in his hospital crib. I thought he was going to lay back on his pull out bed, but instead picks me up and cuddles with me making me relax and smile.

"I love you Luna and I missed spooning you, but Alex and I are still mad that you did not tell us about being in labor. We almost lost you and I....." Anthony says before I turned around kissing him.

I knew it would be the beginning of a steep slope if I died for good, but I think that is what made him scared and more angry. I mean he would have lost me, our baby boy would have lost me without growing up with me, our pack would loose me making it a Lunaless pack, etc.

He pulls away and kisses my head before we fall asleep.

In the morning we are woken up to Trevor crying. So Anthony places a kiss on my head and gets up changing Trevor then hands him to me to feed.

Yup I am breastfeeding our baby boy rather than giving him formula even though it hurts.

My Best friend's Brother (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now