Green Lantern: Lost Time

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"I used to wonder about what I would be like in five, six, maybe even seven years."

Inside a hospital within New York City, there can be seen a singular medical room with a bed and a heartbeat monitor. The monitor steadily goes beep, beep, beep until the noise just drowns itself into nothing. The room was no bigger than a walk in closet, and all doctors that came in had to squeeze in and squeeze out through the door-frame.

"It used to really excite me, maybe my art would really kick off someday, and I wouldn't be living from job to job. Maybe I'd even settle down, but.."

Sitting on the bed was Kyle Rayner, a Green Lantern of Earth. However in this moment he was nothing more than a patient, doodling on a piece of paper with a pen, all given to him courtesy of the nursing staff. As soon as he heard the THUD of the door closing, he looked up with excitement to see the doctor.

"Being sick was never on the list."

Kyle's face turns from excitement to confusion as his mouth opens a gape, as the doctor begins to take a seat next to the bed in a reluctant manner.


With a WHOOSH the door opens as Kyle is seen carrying a box whilst being on the phone entering his home. He closes the door with his foot behind him and sets the box down next to his other several hundred that crowd his living "room." Being an apartment in New York City, he put most of his stuff into boxes so that he could do more with the very little space he had. His "living room" was really just a couch and TV that were put right next to his bed, and his "kitchen" was just a microwave and a stove put in a random corner of his room.

"So... how'd it go?"

The voice on the phone belonged none other than to Wally West, one of Kyle's best friends whom he met whilst trying to stop a bank robbery. Kyle proceeded to sit down on his couch and turn on the TV while putting his phone to his other ear.

"Well, according to the doc, I don't have too much time left apparently."

"What?! There's no way that he—"

"He said I have a rare condition, and that it's unfixable. Basically means," he paused for a moment to choose his next words carefully, "that no matter what they do, they can't fix it."

"Well wait - have you tried talking to Dr. Palmer? Someone with a little more expertise?"

Kyle was now just fidgeting with the remote, poking at buttons. "Yeah, he called me to the Watchtower tomorrow to run his own tests. I just wanted a look for myself, before anyone else did."

"I'll be there."



On the outskirts of the planet Earth in space lay a wholly functional superhero military base, known as The Watchtower. The Watchtower was home to the collection of the world's greatest heroes, a place for them all to come together away from any potential harm. At the center was the entrance, where heroes could teleport in at the push of a button, all at their own will.

With a single beam of light pointed towards the high ceilings of the Watchtower, on came Kyle Rayner and Wally West, both donned on their superhero gear as Green Lantern and The Flash respectively.

"Welcome, Flash and Green Lantern" says a robotic voice belonging to the Watchtower A.I. Upon hearing this voice the Martian Manhunter, guardian of the Watchtower and Colorado comes flying towards them, shapeshifting through multiple walls as a shortcut.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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