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"What should I do then?" Loona asked confused. "Well it depends on you!" Young replied. "Are you willing to tell her how you feel?" Young asked. "I don't know if I should, what if she hates me?" Young sighed. "Well I think it's okay to take risks if she hates you, she simply isn't the one but, I don't think she's that kind of person. Who knows maybe she'll like you back." Young responded.

"Well, we will be spending a lot of time together due to the project we're doing so I'll have plenty of time with her. Which makes me happy then I'll be making memories with her and everything and I think that's OK for now. Im okay with just creating memories and being her partner." Loona said smiling.

" OK just try not to be too cold towards her. She seems to really like you. If my intuitions are right she likes being your friend, and it'll probably hurt her if you're nice to her, and then randomly cold towards her out of the blue." Young said nodding.

"Yeah your right, I don't want to confuse her." Loona said to young.

The next day.

"Hey I apologize for being mean I was just, feeling a bit down yesterday and I shouldn't have took my anger out with you. You want to work on the song now?" Loona asked.

"It's cool, I figured and yeah sure."

They both sat together in bed, coming up with lyrics for their song.

"I've already thought of a title to be honest." Yunji asked looking at her. 'Well of course, she's a good singer, and she's very talented I'd figured she'd be faster with it.' Loona thought. "That's great, what's the title?"

"How it feels to love you." Yunji said smiling.

Randomly there went loona's heart again. Every time she said things like that, while staring at her. It just made her feel some type of way. Like there was rushes of butterflies in her stomach or something.

"I have to tell you something." Loona said sighing.

"What is it?" Yunji asked.

"I like you." Loona blurted out.

"Well I like you too obviously. We're like best friends now. I'm really happy to be friends with you. I was so excited when we got partnered up. I couldn't be more happy to be doing this project with you out of everyone right now." Yunji said smiling.

'That wasn't what I meant though..' loona thought.

Loona decided not to correct her and just let it be like that for now. It was obviously not the right time.

"So what do you think about these lyrics so far?" Loona asked looking at Yunji.

"You're good at it. Well done. I'm almost done with mine."

Yunji and loona continued to finish up writing the lyrics for their song.

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