"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said Sky behind my back. She turned on the power generators from the basement of the hotel which surprisingly worked despite the years of abandonment. I examined the surroundings. The clerk desk was dusty and rusted, a logbook rests on it and a vintage telephone. I walked towards the desk, and saw the keys to each room of the hotel. Yet I saw something quite strange with this certain key.

It was black, and the design of it was rustic and very antique-ish. There was a keychain also stuck to it. It was a skull, white and strangely clean. It was new. Sky walked towards me and noticed that I was eyeing the peculiar key. I looked at her and smiled. "I have a feeling that you're gonna need this key." She went to the box of keys and took the black key that was leading to god knows where.

"Very clever, Mr. Castor. Now please, let me escort you to my cave of wonders." She had a crooked smile to give, took my hand and walked towards the elevator. While walking, I stopped to wonder and just realized that I've been hanging out with this girl I barely knew. She was playing mind-games and her wicked little mysteries that I just couldn't help but crave answers. As dangerous and as peculiar she might be, I was being controlled to follow her league.

"Why are you stopping?" She asked with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "I just wondered, why do I sense danger in you? Why do you keep so many secrets? My mind's being corrupted with this-with this little game of yours. What do you want from me?" Without hesitation I said that aloud with impatience staring out in my voice. She looked at me blankly, as if she didn't understand. She stood there her fingers playing yhe skull keychain from the key.

"I am dangerous, and I do keep a lot of secrets. Do you want to know why you're mind is being corrupted? It's because you let yourself play with my mind games. You let this happen to yourself. You could have backed away before, but here you are. So what's stopping you now?" Her tone was serious and dark. She was right. I let myself get too conceived with the thoughts and curiousities about her. She then continued to walk as if nothing happened.

before I could even think, these words came out of my mouth: "You didn't answer my last question." She looked back with her eyes shining but with something hidden behind them.
She walked closer and I felt her coldness rushing through me even if she was 3 feet before me. Her eyes met mine in the most deceitful way.

"I want you, because I feel that you want me too. And knowing that, makes me need you." And with those words, my heart stopped.

We walked in the horrid elevator, with flickering lights and an unbelievably indestructible speaker, which still works. Sky pushed the button that has no numbers engraved on it, just a plain button that says, "X". The elevator started to move and I could hear the rust of the metal clinging onto the wires that makes it harder for the elevator to go faster.

Once we went up, a long hallway appeared. Strange thing was, all the doors of the hotel rooms were open. The old and tampered carpet was laid down before us, smelling like rotten fruits and worn out gym socks.
We walked out of the elevator, as she spoke, "You're wondering why all the doors are open, aren't you?" She said that as if she read my mind. Giving her a surprised look I replied, "As a matter of fact I did. How did you know?" She was still walking, not looking back at me. With slow steps, She said, "Your eyes don't lie, and if you do lie, your eyes betray you."

As we were walking through the long, dreadful hallway, I kept peeking at each of the hotel rooms. My heart started to swell and my hands started to sweat. Is it what I think it is? Every room that we walked passed by were filled with broken furniture, ragged out clothing and blood. Dried up blood rotting from the floor, washed up against the bedding. It was horrid. And in every room there were writings on the walls. They seemed to be names.

"Those names were the names of the people who stayed in those rooms." Sky told me as she was examining rooms herself. I walked into room B151, and there on the wall were the names of Jennifer Black & Peter Zinavoy. I don't know why, but those names seem so familiar to me. Staring at the wall, there was a small writing too. I looked closer and it said : By Mr. & Mrs. Knox

Sky sneaked up behind me picking up an old bottle of wine. She looked at the wall I was staring at, and she pointed the small words written on the lower part of the wall. "Mr. & Mrs. Knox were infamous serial killers back in the 90's. They kill for the thrill, and they crave blood and bullets everywhere. They were also the greatest couple in their time." She sat on the blood-stained bed.

Me, being confused as hell, asked a question with a sarcastic tone. "Uhm, this might be weird but, why are we here in a place where they killed a hell lot of people?" She smiled and licked her lips the way she always does it. "Because this is the last place where people expect us to be. I mean, for a sane person they would ask themselves, 'why would a person walk in an abandoned place, with a dreadful story behind it and stay there?'" And that left me thinking. I knew the answer right away even if she didn't tell me: They would never know because they're normal and we're not. We craved different things and we carry a different vibe.

She looked at me and smiled. She understood what my puzzled face just realized. I looked at her, and I gave her a smile too. And as we walked out of that blood-stained room, she held my hand and continued to walk towards the farthest room, with the most eccentric aura than any other room we walked passed by. This is The Knox's room.

She took the key out of her pocket and put it into the keyhole. The door was big and it was like a door for a castle. Two mahogany doors, with black doorknobs on each side. As Sky opened it, A whirlwind of dust started to fly infront of us. It seemed like this room wasn't opened for decades.

We walked into the room, and it was huge. It wasn't just any kind of hotel room, this is the kind of room where you plot evil schemes and keep your deadly weapons. The walls were black and but the furniture was white and the floor had a bloody red carpet. The center of the room was a sitting room, with two white sofas at each side, and a white oval table in the middle of it. At the back of the sitting room was a huge reactangular window that becomes the essence of the room. It was beautiful. Then I thought, "I didn't know something so abandoned and left out could be something so beautiful." Sky heard my words and she had a smile so wide, it could light up the entire room.

"Unfortunately, most people don't have the eyes to see that, Cas." her smile turned to an expressionless face. "C'mon let me show you something." Sky said as she walked into another room. I followed her into another huge room, but now, the center of it was a king-sized bed, the bedding still white as snow, and the complementary chocolates were still placed on the pillows. I scanned the room, and the walls were still black. Difference was, it was covered with pictures of people and names. Some pictures had a big "X" written on it.

"These people with the exes are the people killed in this hotel, and the ones that don't have any exes on their pictures, are the ones who managed to escape." She told me this as if she was there on the day where the Knox's plotted this evil scheme.

"Why do you put so much effort about knowing this stuff, Sky? I mean, why do you know all of this, why do you have their key to this room?" She looked at me with a devlish smile. She was walking away from me, taking something out of her pocket.

She gave me a picture- a family picture. There was a man, with a Smashing Pumpkins shirt. and raybans, smiling. She was hugged by a fine woman, with raven black hair and charming blue eyes. And on the lower part, there was a little girl. With raven black her and deadly blue eyes wearing overalls and a ponytail.

"They're my parents." without hesitation, I stood up, from the bed I was sitting on, and ran as fast as I could to the elevator. Going out of the elevator I ran swiftly towards the exit, went inside my car and drove away from the hotel.

I didn't know what I was thinking. She was raised by a psyhopathic family. I agreed with myself that I shouldn't go near her ever again. Yet there was a sting of pain about the feel of not seeing her again.

Then, my phone rang. It was an unknown number but I picked it up anyways. "You can't runaway from me, Castor." the call hung up but her voice had a tone of malice and lust.

I couldn't contain my emotions. She was after me.

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