light and darkness

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~~~I didn't do that giant skip purposefully. It was a mistake that I can't fix due to the changing plot~ equivalent of this chapter are episode 33-43~~~

The voice I heard was kind of weird. Deep and echoing, dark but kind? Or is it curiosity? But one thing I was sure of... The person that the voice belonged to had something to do with the darkness.

"Don't move or say anything" I went on to do the opposite of what the voice said by asking a question.

"Who said that!?" I whisper-shouted trying not to get Orange Steve's attention, but it was in vain.

"Hey Sabre! Hey Sabre! What do you think about this flower?" He asked shouting and I quickly made my way towards him.

"That's a delightful flower you have there" "I know right!!" If I didn't know what was coming, I would have gone deaf by how loud he exclaimed that. We chatted for a minute more about the flower and I went back to the magnificent lake.

"Now who are you? And what do you want you disembodied voice!?" As I said that, I had a feeling that, whoever that voice was, was trying stifle a laugh at my comical insult.

"I see you are actually trying to keep that Orange Steve unaware of me... Unexpected but good... I am Dark Steve and I was created by Nightmare Steve to help the darkness and you are Sabre. Do you have some sort of title? Because calling you just Sabre sounds a bit weird." At first he was talking slowly like he was trying to intimate me but at one point he started talking faster like a child that wanted answers.

"Yes I HAD a title but it's long for forgotten. I was called the childish god along with my brother." I said becoming a bit sad because it was so long ago I barely remember how he looked like. "But anyways how about I call you Dark and you call me Sabre? How does that sound?"

Dark agreed to that and moments later I heard Orange Steve again. "Hey Sabre! I've got another one!" Hearing that I panicked and unintentionally fell into the lake... "Nice man, Nice dude... which one is this one?" I asked while walking towards him wet.

"Dude what happened to you!? You look all... wet" He asked and I answered with no enthusiasm. "Oh nothing, I just fell into the lake."


I was starting to get a feeling that we were going to get caught so I told Dark what I'm going to act like and what he should act like.

"Let me get this straight... You want ME... to act like I hate you AND attack you and that Orange Steve... okay I'll do it" I was a bit shocked that it was that easy to convince him and it was only then that I remembered to tell him something.

The Rainbow-questing God (DISCONTINUED AND UP FOR ADOPTION)Where stories live. Discover now