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Author's POV

As Tae explained Kookie about his part and arranged clothes for him.... He told Jungkook on what to do, where to start everything!!

Timeskip To the program time {cuz in winter time passes fastly!!}

"Hello everyone, I am thankful to you all for joining us today on THE 70th Anniversary of our University......" The principal of NAMJIN University said and went off the stage to let the program/competition begin....

"No~~ It's not like that, just please do a light makeup....." A young Greek God said annoyed...

"But, won't people make fun of me??" The bossy C.E.O whined pouting cutely looking like an innocent Bunny... (Yup,truly the power of love at first sight)

If anyone saw them no one can believe that they've just met a few hours ago...
They're backstage.. [something like green room it is called where everyone do their makeup n all...]

Timeskip to their performance time

Finally after a lot of beggings and bribing the bunny hooman agreed on makeup n all.... Now they're standing backstage about to go on stage....
Everyone knew it was Tae's time and many girls were squealing in excitement, some were even committed, [well, nothing can stop anyone from drooling over our BTS boy's, my ex was super jealous from them 🤣].

A silence covered the whole auditorium as two ethereal angels performed on Euphoria... Only the sound of music, them moving was heard, no one could move a single inch of their body. Too astonished to even blink... Looking at two literal angel dancing, bodies moving in sync on the beat....  Hearts thumping, eyes stilling everyone, every single being was hypnotised by the pair on stage, The principal was proud of himself and Tae, proud of himself as he didn't disqualified him... And proud of Tae, well, who isn't??

Soon, not to the people's liking the song and their dance came to an end, making crowd go crazy over them.... Everyone was drowned at the way their body moved, fastly yet elegantly..... It was as if they were watching two bodies with a single soul, the sync they had was something no one had in their performance before.....

But someone was too shocked to even stand..... Or open his mouth to say anything.... Yup, it was our Chim..

Timeskip to award ceremony <3

After all the award distribution now it was time for the final first prize....

Tae was extremely nervous and he was holding kookies hand tightly!!!! With closed eyes...


I don't know why.... But for the first time in my life I want someone to be mine this badly....
I haven't showed my face to anyone till now... Just my employees and hyungs, that's why I had no problem in removing my mask today.... I can't believe I had a dance with my love on our first meet... He looks so passionate for this award...

I hope he gets it and by our performance I can say he's gonna win the first prize... I saw Jimin hyung on the guests seat.. he looked like he saw a ghost, why not.. he actually saw something which is impossible to happen but that was for before.....

I looked towards Tae, he looks so innocent.... He held my hands tightly making my heart beat at the fastest pace... I can't believe it.... He's the first person who just by holding my hands can make me weak on my knees....
I kissed his cheeks and squeezed his hands lightly to assure him!!!

Tae's POV

I am really nervous it's about time...they're about to announce the winner and the most loved couple....
I was holding Kookie hyungie's hand tightly it was somewhat comforting. His soft delicate hands completely fit in my rough, hard palm... His slightly sweaty face with his hair sticking all around his forehead... Ahhhhh.... I think am in love....

Okk, they're about to announce

"And the winner is "KIM TAEHYUNG AND KIM KOOKIE"
{yup, as per JK's request Tae didn't gave his real name for the competition 🥲}

Yess!!!! I tightly hugged Kookie hyungie and kissed his cheeks, I won!!! I can't believe it!!!
I went to stage with Kookie hyungie to get the award...

On stage

You were amazing Mr.Kim and you too Mr.Kim... You both were looking so unreal congratulations on your win!!!!

Everyone was clapping for them.... Taehyung felt tears in his eyes!!!

After the ceremony

Now everything was good.... Everyone were going back... It was Taekook's turn to get emotional with a thumping heart koo said .

"Alright, it was great knowing you..... Taehyungie... You're really am amazing person!! I wish you all the best...." Even though he said while smiling but his eyes and voice betrayed him.... His voice cracked and eyes were filled with tears ...


I felt like someone was snatching my heart away from me.... I really don't want to let him go but now, it's not the right time....

Saying so, I sat in my car when he stopped me by my wrist and asked for my number... He looked soo cute that I can't even think of denying this baby bear, not like I would ever deny him for anything... Except for leaving him... Now he's mine!!

Someone's POV

After getting JK's no. Tae was feeling so happy, like he conquered the world... But in reality it was much of a big deal for him as no one really talked to him... Even though half of the college was drooling over him.... But no one talked to him as he was a "poor" student....

After talking with eachother for a while they left to their own ways... Jk had got some works in his company and Tae went to his part time job...
But their minds were on eachother whole time... Even after they reached home...

Heyya lovlies~~~ T^T
Why you all don't comment?? ••°°••
That's all for today....
Hope you guys enjoy....
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Take care~~

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