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"Ni-chan?" His little brother called.

"Ni-chan?" He heard his little sister say.




The voices repeated eventually slurring together. He looked around and all he saw was darkness. Where was he? Suddenly a bright light shone in his eyes before completely engulfing him.

"Oni-chan?" She called.

He wanted to answer her. He wanted to comfort her into realizing that despite the fact he was on the floor covered in blood he would be okay. That's when he saw that he was in his teen body. The room faded away as he begged to hold her again but it was ultimately worthless.

He then found himself looking at a picture. His mother was on one side smiling brightly. His father was on the other with a calm joyous grin. Karan and Omei were on opposite sides of him. And he himself was in between them all. Then it disappeared.

Next off he was under a sakura tree being bathed in it's petals as a 3-year-old. He was sitting on a blanket with a sandwich in his hands. In front of him were his parents chatting and laughing. He soon found himself giggling along with them despite all that had happened since that day. And as it faded so did the remaining calm before the storm.

The first thing he saw was a glass flying straight for his head. Fear overwhelmed him as he felt it shatter and tears started to spill. Then he saw it. To his left, his younger siblings were on the floor completely passed out. In front of him was his father and his mother stood not far behind glaring at him as though he were the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being. He stood still waiting for what was to come next with his eyes closed tightly. He waited but nothing came.

He then opened his eyes to see he was on a blanket. Took a minute but he soon realized he was on a bed. Wondering what would happen next, he observed that he was in his teen body. Just then he felt the pain of something going in and out of him. That's when it hit him, he was being raped by his father. Tears ran down his face as he buried his head into the pillow hoping for it to stop. He heard his father yelling things at him, Not able to bring himself to fight he just tried to wait the storm out hoping his father was just bored and not mad.

The room changed and he found himself face to face with his siblings. His sisters neck was held together by thin strings that looked like they would snap at any moment. His brothers body was mushed together looking somewhat flat. "Why did you let this happen Ni-chan?" Omei, his sister, asked.

"Otouto? Imouto? Wha- How are you here? I thought-" He was cut off by a slap.

Karan had hit him. He was in shock. His brother had never hit him before.

"Why are you acting so happy after what you did." Karan said.

"M-my fault? Wha-what? Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"'Did I do something wrong?' Of course you did useless." Karan answered

"It's your fault we're dead." Omei said angrily.

"How is it my fault?" He asked with his voice failing him.

"You should have helped us. You were at UA you could have asked for help and they would have given it to you. You could have told them but no you were too scared and because of you we died." Omei explained.

"Bu-but Karan committed-"

"Cause I was tired of waiting. You weren't fast enough and I was fed up." Karan answered cutting him off.

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