~Partners in Crime~

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Bakugou woke up at the first beam of sunlight and found himself on Izuku's bed. He shuffled around looking for the nerd but found nothing but pillows and blankets. He began to think if the other boy had been kidnapped.

No. That couldn't possibly happen. Izuku was far too stubborn to be kidnapped. He thought.

As his eyes wandered about the room he found the boy sitting on his desk scribbling on a piece of paper. Relieved, he turned on his phone to find out that it was 5:30 am. Izuku had clearly been here for at least an hour considering the pile of papers next to him and the boy's restless nature.

"Didn't Aizawa tell you to take it easy nerd." He spoke as he got up from his position.

"I'm almost done."

"Doesn't matter if you're almost done or not. You've clearly been here a while. What if I tell Mr. Aizawa that, he wouldn't be very happy."

"Sorry Kacchan, I had to finish this before daybreak. I can only work on it in the dorm absolutely no where else. It's about our adventure from yesterday."

As he finished writing Izuku picked up the papers and placed them in a file. He then opened a drawer and what do you know. There were more files inside. He put it at the very front then closed and locked the drawer.

"Okay fine I'll let you get away with it this time. But you still need to rest. Take a nap later or else it won't be me that you'll have to deal with."

Bakugou opened the door and was about to walk out.

" Thanks for worrying about me Kacchan." Izuku said.

Katsuki nodded and left Izuku alone to get ready. Deep down he wished that Katsuki had stayed as he hated being alone for the intrusive thoughts that would overwhelm him. Well it's not like he could stay with Katsuki forever. He hated the fact that the comfort he felt with Bakugo wasn't found with anyone else.

Sure he enjoyed being in the presence of Aizawa and his family but this was different. His friends offered an amount of comfort but it was raw and unsatisfactory for he felt as though they were fake and cared but only of his image.

But then there's Katsuki. They knew each other since they were in diapers. Though they did spend a while apart, they came back together and stronger than ever. He remembered it as if it were yesterday.

1 year ago

Izuku and his mom were walking down the street and she was yelling at him to make sure he wouldn't embarrass her. She had been doing this since they were ready to leave. She wouldn't have brought him if it weren't for Mitsuki's request.

They had decided to come together and Mitsuki had said that they should have their boys spend time together. She tried to argue but gave up as Mitsuki was a stubborn person. She continued to talk but Izuku was paying no real mind to her.

He was scared.

Of what would happen in the Bakugou household. His mom surely wouldn't defend him if Katsuki chose to fight. He was glad that Mitsuki though not gentle was very nice. She always had been. Though most people would think it was his mother who was the nicest, his life was against that.

He soon came back to reality as they walked up to the door and Inko said one last thing before they knocked.

"Don't make me regret this."

Bakugo opened the door and greeted both his guests. He lead them into the living room before yelling out "OI! OLD HAG. Aunty and Deku are here" . His voice was different then he regularly was with Izuku. Though he clearly was unpleased with a certain guest his voice was still remarkably gentler.

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