Vent (1)

30 1 0

tw sh, Ed.

I don't wanna be here anymore, seriously I want to kill myself honestly what's the point in living anymore I'm the most sensitive over jealous needy clingy sack of shit human to exist, I always end up fucking up and ruining things I'm easily replaceable and I can't do anything right at all I'm failing everyone and I fail at doing basic tasks I can barley pull myself out of bed everyday, I have a fucking sack of shit ex who keeps Harassing me which is the cherry on top, he moved on faster than I did, I had to literally threaten him to leave me alone it's all fucking hell I want to just give up atp, what's the point anymore I can't stand being around my own family, here when I'm born im supposed to trust them have them guide me through life yet I end up crying my eyes out over them, I only had one real family member who was actually there for me and it was my grandma but she's dead now so I have absolutely no one left I can't srsly do this shit anymore I don't want to do this shit anymore I have nothing and no one, I do have my friends but I don't like bothering anyone with my problems because I feel like it's stupid and they don't matter, I just can't do this anymore I've already tried to kill myself a lot and I just wanna die already I wish that the attempts would work but they never do I hate my mentally abusive mom and dad I just want to escape everything and fly away from my own skin at this point, I can't even stand looking in the mirror anymore, all I see is the person I hate the most in the mirror. I've already relapsed alot and I can't stay sober for shit, I literally have to sneak lighters I'm back on my ed train yay./neg Which I was doing good until my mental health got worse again I just fucking can't anymore I really can't.

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