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It hurts, it really hurts to know how replaceable I am the fact my ex only waited 20 Minute's after the breakup and cheating on me, just to ask out my best friend that just really hurt along with being replaced so fast bye others am I really not that good enough? Do I even have a purpose anymore am I just here to be some ragdoll that you can fuck around with for awhile and then replace? Am I really that bad, genuinely what is wrong with me that makes me so replaceable and why do I act  some ways, why do I ruin shit why do I always think people are against me why do I always think I'm fucking up? Well that's the thing, I don't know really I've just been losing my self along the way, putting others problems before mine or just putting people before me always over thinking about one thing or another, being obsessive over the people I love and not wanting them to leave me having attachment issues always failing shit, having bad grades Lowkey a asshole, say fucked up shit cause shit when I'm angry, say things I don't mean genuinely why am I like this? I'm not a good person at all I just want to be normal that's all I ask, all I've ever wanted was to crawl out of my own skin and rip apart what I used to be and just disappear for once without anyone having me as a burden seriously, I resisted venting to someone even tho they said I could because I feared they'll make fun of me, or think im overreacting over the situation and or what I'd happening it's all a mess, everything is just a mess and I can't stand it anymore, I seriously do not think I'm gonna be here any longer than I have too.

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