✨️Charlight incorrect quotes✨️

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Charli: My hands are cold.
Light: Here, let me hold them.
Charli: My lips are cold too.
Light: *covers Charli's mouth with his hand*
*Charli is crying after a breakup*
Light: There there, Charli.
Charli, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Light: Great question—
Light: I owe you one.
Charli: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Light: Who the fuck-
Charli: Language!
Light: Whom the fuck-
Charli: No.
Charli: Ew. What kind of tea is this?
Light: I boiled gatorade.
Light: Charli... you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now.
Charli: *muffled* mm hmmm :)
Light: Fuck. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
Light: So, I've been thinking Charli-
Charli: That's dangerous.
Charli: I am going to need you to swear-
Light: Fuck.
Charli: ...swear as in promise.
Light: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Charli: Those are wanted posters!
Charli: I have a problem.
Light: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help.
Light: When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Charli: Make lemonade!
Light: No, throw them back up in the sky and make life deal with it’s own shit.
Light: Fuck.
Charli: We've got to work on your cursing.
Light: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Light: *on the phone* Hey Charli, do you know my blood type?
Charli: Of course, it's B-.
Light: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Charli, going over Light's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
Light: Yes
Charli: Okay... may I know what you create?
Light: Problems.
Charli, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me.
Light: Yeah, Charli will straight up cry in public. Don't try her.
Charli: Exactly, I will straight up-
Charli, tearing up: Light, why would you say that?!
Light: How would you like your coffee?
Charli: As dark as my soul.
Light: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Charli, texting Light: Light there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Charli: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Charli: Light
Charli: Light
Light: Light is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Light: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Light: Oh god, you have Charli

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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