first christmas- wednesday x fem reader

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(A/n. Here some info. English isnt my first language so sorry for the things i dont write correctly.
Wednesday sais it in this style: example
And yn just in normal style just to be clear.
Youre thoughts are in this style: exaple)


It was my first chrismas in nevermore. My parent send me to this school because i was an outcast in the school i was before. A girl who was qualified as an freak someone who doesnt belong to this humanity.

I shared a room with no one and I havent had many friends. But one girl named enid was one of my best friends. She was always there for me when i need her.

10 am
I waked up from a sound that was coming from my door. I walked to the wooden door and opened it.
"Hey i am looking for room 20, i dont know were it is, the principle sayd it would be here somewere."

The girl was pale. She had white skin. Like snow. She looked like an goth girl she had 2 braids in her hair. Her hair was the opposite of her skin. It was pitch black. Black like her nails.

"It's next doors you share a room with a girl named enid if im right i can walk with you." I say.

She didnt say anything so i walked in my pyjama's to my best friends room. I knocked on her wooden door and I saw the girl with white hair named enid.

"Hey this is your new roomie." I brought the girl whit black braiding hair in enid's room.
"Why is her room colorfull i hate color."
"Yea I could see that." I whispered.

Enid wanted to gave the girl a hug but the girl decided not to.

"I'm going to my room I have my class in 30 minutes do you also begin whit english?" I said to enid.

"Yes i see you there probably whit my new roomie." Enid said.

I walked out the door and saw in the point of my eye that the girl was staring at me whit an smirk I didn't know what it was but she looked cute. I didn't know what to feel about this because I never felt like this to a girl. I wasn't gay or something but I could be.

A few weeks later.
Exactly a few weeks ago I met the girl I didn't know I would ever like but now I couldn't think about anything different. I liked wednesday. That was her name. The name of the goth.

I walked to enids and Wednesday room. And knocked 2 times on the wooden door. And Wednesday opened it.

"Hey Wednesday I wanted to tell you that the class begin in a few minutes and I need to talk to enid about something." I stuttered a little.

"Why are you stuttering y/n." Wednesday said without blinking.

"I'm not Wednesday Addams I never stutter." I said.

"You are." I hear enid yelling from her desk.
"I know you long enough to quess that you're attracted to Wednesday and that you have a big fat crush on her."
"ENID." I yell
I walked out of the room and walk to my own.

I slam the door hard and walked to my waderobe. I picked out my uniform and my backpack. My book that I was reading my pens and pencils and my sketchbook.

It sucks that my biggest secret wat now not an secret anymore. I trusted enid with it. I had an crush on Wednesday because she was so kind and different than everybody but I liked her. I liked a girl. I never did.

Wednesday pov

Y/n walked out of enids and my room.

"Is that true?" I said to enid.

She didn't say anything. I think it was true. Deep inside I think I liked y/n to but I didn't think I woud like her that much. I didn't show any emotion from the outside but from the inside my heart exploded. One of my friend liked me and no it was not an boy no it was a girl. It was an special girl. It was y/n.

I picked ny books from my bookshelf and walked out of my door.

I looked at my time table and saw that I had drawings first. I knew it was y/n her favourite subject so she will be there.

Y/n her pov again

I walked to my class and bumped into someone. I looked up and I saw that it was Wednesday.
"I'm sorry." I blushed a bit.

"No need to blush y/n." She said calmy.
"I didn't even blush." This made me blush harder.

We walked together to our class. And we sat together by an table.

An Christmas three was already up in the class. It would be Christmas tommorow and it was my favourite of the year. I even liked it more than my birthday.

The teacher walked in the classroom.
"Everyone today were going to paint something In the theme you like the most. It could be an holiday or something else you partner up with someone that sit next to you."

Great I will spend more time with Wednesday and it wil be akward after this thing from today.


I walked to Wednesday dorm. I knocked on the wooden door and I saw that Wednesday had been crying. It was weird because she never cries. And I mean litterly never.

"Wednesday, are you oke?" I said. I walked in the room and closed the door. Enid was not in the room I dont know why.

Wednesday and I walked to her balcony and sat down.
"Tell me what's wrong Wednesday."

"There's nothing to worry about y/n I just don't feel to good I don't know I have mixed feelings for someone."
"So you like someone?" I said. My heartbeat was now so good to hear that I thought Wednesday would hear it.

" y/n I need to tell you something. I like you more then enyone in this world I know it's not good to love a girl but I can't stop myself from loving you I think I like girls but I don't know I never felt something like this like I think I like you I really like you I have feeling for you and today when enid said that you probely liked me I thought it was true but I was wrong I know you never like a girl I was just stupid."

"I have something to tell to you, I like you since the day we met oke I thought it was wrong because I know loving a girl Is something different. And I didn't know what it was from the beginning but I have feelings for you more than anyone else."
"Wednesday I just love you."

Wednesdays eyes were becoming bigger and she smiled. She never smiled not once since I know her.

My heart was now beating so fast that I thought my heart would be out if my body.
Wednesday and I moved closer to each other.
I saw on my watch that it was 11.59 in the evening.

Wednesday and I were sitting on her balcony in the cold. It was crazy. Wednesday her hand were on my cheecks. she pulled in so did i. And then that moment she kissed me. her lips were on mine. This was my first kiss and I liked it. even tho it was with an girl.

When I pulled back I said.
"Merry Christmas." I smiled.

"Youre such an dumbass."

"Love you to." I said. Her hands were still on my cheecks. We kissed again this time it was longer. i really liked it.

This was the best Christmas ever and it just started.

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