Phase 01

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"Have you drink all of your medicines?", I asked the blonde. She nods her head as a smile planted on her face.

"How about books? Lunch box? Have you put those stuffs to your bag?", I asked her once more. "Yes, Mom!", she saluted me, jokingly, and chuckled. "You're really a mother-alike, Mayu-chan!", the blonde said.

I tilt my head to the side. She said it plenty times but I don't think that I was like that. I lack at few certain things though.

"I think I'm not," I shrugs. She laughed a bit harder than before. "If I were guy, I'll definitely date Mayu-chan!", a big smile posted on her beautiful feature, showing her neat-teeth.

Date me? It must be a kidding. The one who should said it was me. The only one I wanna date with if I were a guy is her, Miwa Kimiko.

She's the actual goal of every girls. Long blonde hair, big hazel eyes, porcelain skin, and ideal body. Simply, She looks perfect but she hospitalized a LOT of times due to her disease.

"Come on! We'll be late," I said after I washed the plates and bowls, cling my bag around my sleeve. Kimiko and I then heading to our school, Touou Academy.

We're now a second year student. There are no special reason we atten Touou after all. If there's one, then it's because this school doesn't mind if the students rarely attend their classes as long as they can pass the test above average.

It's a plus point for Kimiko and yeah I followed her to come to this school as well.

"Actually there's something I wanna tell you, Mayu-chan," Kimiko said once we walks into the school building. "What's that?", I asked.

Her cheeks blushed slightly and then turn her head to my direction. "There's someone that I consider as my crush," she mumbled under her breath.

We're teenager already, but this is my very first time to heard that she likes someone. Well, maybe there are many guys that confessed to her but I never heard that she wants to date any of them.

Different than me, who's been broken many times, Kimiko is really a pure girl. I wonder what kind of guy she's into.

"Who's that lucky guy?!!!", I beamed, stands in front of her. Of course I'm really happy that she finally interested to someone, a certain guy.

Maybe it's also the time for me to reveal that I also liked someone. Yes, the guy that I admire since I saw him playing basketball even he's such a lazy-ass but love is blind though.

The bluenette who's an ace of our basketball club, Aomine Daiki.

I might be a straight-forward person, but I can't really tell anyone if I'm in love with someone. From heartbreak, I learned that I couldn't always get someone I'm into.

Mention it out loud will totally be a trouble if that person isn't share the same feeling as you so you're better to keep it by yourself, I think.

"Oh my, he's coming to our way!", Kimiko grabs my arm, I lay a glance on her. Her cheeks is flushed than ever. My! She's so cute.

"Where is h-,"

"Yo Miwa!", a deep voice interrupted me. I know this voice, very well.

"Aomine-kun, Ohayou~", the blonde smiled at him warmly to the said man.



Aomine Daiki?

No. Should I really turn my back to face him? So I can make sure my own self that it's not the Aomine I like. But, how many Aomine this world has?!!!!

I dare my self to throw him a glance and yes, it's the Aomine Daiki I mentioned before. His dark blue orbs meet my brown ones.

The tanned male with strong jawline and giant build. The guy I admire for this past year. The guy I'm attached to. But miserably, he likes someone else who's nothing other than my best ever friend.

My lips keep shut in it place, have no idea what I should say at the bluenette. This situation is such a bizarre and out of my expectation.

Among thousand girls in this world, why it should be Kimiko? Why?!

"Hey! I'll go to Editorial Office. I have a meeting with the president this morning," I tell Kimiko. It wasn't a lie even it's the reason to let these two having much comfortable conversation without me, as the third wheel.

"Eh? I think you can join us," she cried. I just grinned and rubs the back of my neck awkwardly. Join them? Man, who do you think am I? I'm not a girl with iron heart. My chest feel tighten as if there's something squeeze my lungs.

"Well then, see ya later, Kimiko!", I bid my farewell to her. I focused my sight on something other than the tall man in front of me. I don't want him to distract me even more.

"Eh you're pretty considerate," Aomine said quietely and smirked when I walk pass him by. I shot him a glare and walks away. Considerate your ass.

Fate is play it prank on us. Since we were child, we connected by similar things. Both of us lost our mom in our young age and our busy dad. We don't have any siblings. And now, we're attached to the same guy. How can?!!

There's two choice I have by now. First, being a snake in the grass of Kimiko to make Aomine mine, forfeit our friendship. Or second, vanished this stupid thing I called love and let Kimiko and Aomine happy on their own.

I met him randomly, have a crush on him secretly and such in a sudden, so why can't I let this feeling die down as soon as possible? Of course I can delete it from my brain, but what about my heart?

The devil me told me to not to gave my feeling up and grab a chance to get closer to the tanned male.

The angel me told me that I should let Kimiko happy with him. I remember the words her dad was uttered right on her 17th birthday. 'With her condition, it seems like impossible to think that she's still alive 'till this day. The doctor claim that she'll only alive till 16 but look! She's 17 now. Please take care of her, Mayu-chan. She has count you as her sister and mom. Please make every second of her day happy cause we don't know when will Kimiko-chan leaves us.'




What should I do?!


So, this is the first chapter of my 2nd book! Wish you guys would enjoy it -even this story is pretty cliche and boring-! Please comment and vote this story! Your comment and vote means so much to me (:

xo, Mimi♡

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