Phase 02

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Since Kimiko met Aomine along with Momoi, I always ended up ate my lunch with them. It's not like I hate it or something. I'd like to thank Momoi to joined us cause I'm not their –Aomine and Kimiko—third wheel anymore. Perhaps.

They talks about everything randomly. Momoi is trying her best to keep up the conversation between Aomine and Kimiko.

But still, somehow I feel so awkward when Aomine around. I couldn't help but stole a glance at the bluenette and back to my lunch box. I wish none would notice this.

The air around us were suffocating me. Kimiko looks so darn happy. I'm happy for her too but I'm a human after all. I need time to recover this thing oh-so-called broken-heart.

", Sasaki-san?", Momoi's voice suddenly take me back to the reality. "Huh?", I questioned. Oh dear, how long I was talking to my self?

"Since you have club activity today, so can Aomine-kun take Kimiko to her home right after classes finish?", asked the pink orbs.

"Wh-Why did you ask me? It's all up to Kimiko," I awkwardly laugh.

"Mayu-chan know what's best for me," said Kimiko, but I bet, deep inside she wished that I will say yes.

Sigh. "Okay Aomine, you can take Kimiko home. Don't take her to any random places. And Kimiko, don't forget to grab your vitamin and take a rest, kay?"

"Are you her mom? You're too full wit—aw! Satsuki!", Momoi interrupted him by pinch his arms.

I rolls my eyes. "Okay okay, I understand," Aomine gave up, his permanent frown just went a lil narrow-er than before.

I don't care.



At first, I was so worried about Kimiko. Especially when almost all of my friend tell me that Aomine is such a pervert.

But I think I don't have to be that worry. She'd been okay.

"So... how is it?", I ask noncalanthly when I put a plate full of apples on a desk in front of TV

A big smile curved on her lips. "It's fun! Aomine is such an awkward guy even he looks like one of wildest gangster," she chuckled.

"Really? I thought he was such a pervert cause you know, most girls on our school knew about that," I said.

She look at me with that questioning look. "What?!"


"Ah look, I just have to warn you cause you know.. well, I mean If he's going to lay a hand to you, tell me. Okay?", I smiled.

She laughed.

"Okay, mom!", she saluted.

"Look, you just walk with him for once but he made you like this," I sigh.

"Eeeeh? I'm just kidding, Mayu-chan~ Gomen, gomen," she hugged me tightly.

See? How could you be mad at this angel? You got no point to mad at her or did something harm to her.



Something really bad just happened this morning.

First, Mayu find Kimiko fainted since -only god knows when. She quickly called ambulance and Kimiko's Dad.

And second, cause she should waiting for Kimiko's Dad arrival so she came to school late. So late that everyone on her class questioning her "What's gotten to you? You're never this late before".

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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