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They woke with the morning chorus of birds, and ate a quick breakfast of apple-sized prickly fruit that Naba climbed up a tree to collect. They were out on the water so early that mist still hovered above the river, cool against the warming air, sheltered in the tree's shade and not yet evaporated by the sun.

It was hard to pinpoint the direction of the roaring waterfall. The river continued to meander along, and many times Tanden thought they were going in the wrong direction, or just about to pass it, only to see more trees.

But when they actually arrived, it was unmistakable. The forest opened up, and the river widened into a marshy lake, dotted with clumps of reeds. The sound of the waterfall was louder, bouncing around the lake.

Then they turned the final corner, and could see past the thick trees. And Tanden understood, immediately, why this was a holy place.

In front of them, a huge cliff stretched in either direction, easily as tall, if not taller, than Zianna's Cliffs of Loth. A wide curtain of water tumbled over the rocks, crashing against island-like outcrops on the way down, and thundering into a deep pool at its base. Mist poured into the sky, catching the morning light and casting a dazzling rainbow.

On either side of the largest waterfall, smaller ones shot over the cliffs. Some poured over, freely falling through the air. Others trickled, weaving down the cliffside in streams and rivulets. Tanden suspected the water was coming from a wide delta at the top, flowing over the cliffs wherever the rocks had worn away enough to let the water escape.

The pool below, which eventually spread out into the marshy lake they were floating on, was beautiful in of itself. The water was a deep, rich blue. Trees clung to rocky little islands. Ducks floated in flocks, ducking beneath the water for food.

It took a moment, through the rumbling water, for Tanden to hear that Queb was trying to speak to him. He turned slightly to hear better, but couldn't yet tear his eyes away from the spectacle in front of them.

"You've learned the Moattish word for water?"

Tanden nodded. "Atti"

"Atii," Queb repeated. "Moatt means 'from the water'. We are all from the water. The name for this fall is Attinabi. Mother water. Every fall carries different blessings. Birth and death, love and health. We visit Attinabi for ceremonies. Look, beneath the smaller falls."

Tanden looked. Many of the smaller falls could be approached by foot. There was no evidence of anything man made. No structures or art to indicate where a ceremony might take place, nothing to mar the natural beauty of the place.

"Could we-" He hesitated, his natural desire to experience everything first hand clashing with his need to be respectful. He altered the wording of his question. "Would it be offensive for outsiders to participate in a ceremony?"

Queb translated the question for Naba. They debated calmly, their tones putting Tanden at ease. Even if they said no, at least he knew he hadn't offended them with the question.

After some time, Queb spoke in Navirian again. "You are a sailor. You worship the water?"

"I respect the water," Tanden said, choosing honesty even if it wasn't the correct answer. "But Soren's people do. They worship a water god. The lines on his arms represent the ocean."

Queb eyed Soren, who, having heard his name, was staring at Tanden quizzically. Queb and Naba exchanged a few more words, then Queb nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"He will understand the power of Attinabi. What type of ceremony?"

The night of their marriage, Soren had said they would earn approval from every deity they learned about, in response to the Teltish Goddess' unfavourable opinion towards two men being married. With that in mind, the answer was clear. Whether or not Attinabi was a deity in the same sense, Tanden sought approval.

"You said there's a waterfall for love?"

Queb nodded. "You and the woman-"

"No," Tanden interrupted. He hadn't quite puzzled out how the Moattish people felt about same-sex relationships, but he hoped Soren's very visible devotion to the water would smoothen things out. "Not her. Me and Soren."

Queb blinked, confusion etched across his face. Then finally, "How do... you bring new children?"

"We don't," Tanden said. Nerves tightened his grip around his paddle. "We won't. That's not..."

Queb interrupted as Tanden paused. "The love ceremony uses Attinabi's waters to help bring new children. A man and a woman go into the pool and..." His Navirian faltered, and he muttered in Moattish before continuing in Navirian. "If the blessing is good, the woman carries a baby."

It was Tanden's turn to blink, as the cause of Queb's confusion settled in his thoughts. "Oh, no. We don't need that sort of ceremony. I thought maybe there was one that would bless our feelings. Our love."

Queb nodded. He still seemed slightly confused, but at least was willing to move on. "Yes." Then he said something to Naba, and together the men steered the boats towards the nearest shore.

"It is private," Queb said as they all climbed out of the boats onto a smooth rock, slippery with algae. "I will lead the way, then leave. Come." He started along the lakeside, towards the waterfalls.

Tanden hastily explained everything to the others, apologizing to Jale and Ara for leaving them behind, and promising that the ceremony wouldn't take long. Not that he had any idea of how long it would take, it just seemed like the right thing to say. Then he and Soren carefully followed Queb as he climbed over wet, slippery rocks with ease.

Although they weren't making for the main waterfall, mist hovered in the air, soaking through their clothes. The chill was welcome in the rapidly warming day, even if the water made the walk treacherous.

Queb led them to one of the falls on the left, a thin one that flowed down the cliff face as opposed to actually falling. Underneath it was an almost perfectly round pool, surrounded by lush trees. Queb gestured at it. "Go into the water. When you are finished, the blessing will..." he paused and shrugged. "I do not know. Attinabi's power will see you blessed, in some way." He turned abruptly, walking away before Tanden could ask any further questions.

Soren stood with his arms crossed. His mist-soaked tunic clung to his shoulders and chest, and although Tanden had seen him shirtless countless times, the way the cloth defined Soren's muscles was incredibly alluring.

"So?" Soren asked. The way he was eyeing Tanden made Tanden suspect his own damp tunic was having the same effect. "What exactly are we supposed to do?"

"Oh." Tanden remembered then he hadn't translated the entire conversation with Queb. "It's a simple ceremony, really. We strip, get into the pool, make love, and when we're done you'll be blessed with a baby."

Soren couldn't quite disguise his reaction. His eyes widened, jaw dropped for a moment before regaining his composure. "What? What exactly does Queb think is going to happen?"

"In our case, he wasn't sure." Tanden closed the distance between them, reaching to take Soren's hand-

When the rock he stepped on slipped out from under him, and he tumbled. Soren barely managed to step forward and catch him. Pain blossomed in Tanden's right ankle, but he wasn't about to let that distract him from the experience they were about to have. Hiding a wince, he straightened and grinned.

"Thanks, mate. Now, let's get started. We don't want to leave the others waiting too long."

Soren gaped at him. "We're n-"

"Of course we are! How often do you get a chance to have sex in a blessed pool?"

"Of course we are! How often do you get a chance to have sex in a blessed pool?"

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