Chapter Tree

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 I nearly tripped dozens of times on my way to my sisters cave, but my mind was racing I barely noticed. Will it be a boy, or girl? I wondered to myself. Will I be a good auntie? Will they like me...? I keep worrying, wondering and questioning all my life choices that would affect this baby. Calm down, I tell my shelf. I'm not the one in labor, just worry about Khwn'a, not yourself.

I arrived and I'm greeted by a groan of pain from my big sister. It was hard to see her like this my angelic loving second mother, sweating and with her face all screwed up in a look of pain. It made me not want to have a child of my own. But that doubt didn't stay in my mind that long. Everything went so fast my mother ushered me in and told me what to do. Khwn'a let out another yell, out of pain.

The sound of a baby's cry filled the air. We all smiled (my siblings, ants, uncles, my sisters husband, and her husband's family, parents, and a few healers) at the little boy in my sister's arms, she looked lovingly into his eyes, and slowly he stopped crying and looked questioningly at his relatives in the room.

My mother pried the child from Khwn'a's arms so she could hold her first grandchild.

"What will you name him?" my younger brother Ligadena asked our sister.

Khwn'a looked at her baby, and then her husband Bedzeyh. "We will name him Bedzeyh junior." she said finally.

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